Does dove soap help acne

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All gentle soaps like Dove will help get rid of acne. Thanks for using ChaCha!!!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does dove soap help acne
Would this dove soap help my acne?
This may work, Dove is a pretty good soap but if you have sensitive skin the unscented bar will work better. Good luck.
Does a dove bar of soap help clear my acne ??
I believe it does help. my best friend had pretty bad acne on her face as well as her back… her father is a successful doctor and suggested she use Dove (pink) on her face and back. She’s been using it for a while now, and her acne looks …
What is the best soap to use if you have acne (example dove)??
Most people recommend Clearosil, or Tea Tree Oil. Personally, none of them worked for me, and I just let puberty take its toll. My recommendation would be to consult your GP for advice, and if possible, cut down on anything sugery, which ca…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is dove gentle exfoliating bar soap good for your face and does it help get rid of acne?
Q: idk if bar soap is good for my skin or not. and it dove good please help?! ive been having problems like acne and dry skin and i cant take it anymore i use clean and clear but tht stuff sucks it doesnt work HELP?!
A: Soap dries out the skin. I don’t know how legitimate the claims are, but Dove is supposedly not a soap. I have been using the exfoliating bar with the little black beads to wash my face twice a day and have had no issues with dry skin.I doubt it would help acne any more than any other soap would. Keeping your face clean is the number one thing to do, but any face wash can do that. The exfoliating beads seem to be gentle enough such that they won’t cause any scarring.If you’re looking for a product to treat your acne, you’re best off looking for one designed specifically for that purpose. You can find a free trial for one such treatment at the website below.All the best!
does a dove bar of soap help clear my acne ?
Q: i have a bit of acne . my mom says compeard to all da people who has bad acne i have very little . but okay , i’m sick and tired of acne i want to get ride of my acne SO bad. my friends say they recommend it but i don’t know . help anyone ? please & thanks .
A: I believe it does help. my best friend had pretty bad acne on her face as well as her back… her father is a successful doctor and suggested she use Dove (pink) on her face and back. She’s been using it for a while now, and her acne looks better. You just have to be patient, and give it a chance. Also, try using any good facial moisturizer… i’ve suggested it to all my friends and their acne has improved A LOT. i use Pond’s facial moisturizer every day and have REALLY clear skin. try it out… good luck.
What is good for acne? Is Dove soap good?
Q: My 15 year old has acne on her face and back. I am not talking horrible acne, but I am talking acne. It is no more than the average teenager has, but she is uncomfortable about the summer with the acne on her back. I heard that dove was really good. She has tried proactive and we are thinking about going to the dermotologist but I hate to spend so much money that I don’t have. Any suggestions?
A: I think as long as you stress washing the face constantly and I would also watch caffine and sugars.Ive never heard that about dove before.I would also ask drs office you take her to for free meds for acne they usually get some samples into try.The drug reps love for you to try it because you may purchase it later.
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