Does hair grow back thicker if you wax it

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Waxing doesn’t produce softer or finer hairs. Instead they are just more tapered then with shaving. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does hair grow back thicker if you wax it
Does waxing make hair grow back thicker?
waxing does not make hair grow back thicker, the only form of hair removal that does actually make the hair grow back thicker is shaving. waxing will in fact make your hair growth less after it is done for a long period of time, if done cor…
Does hair grow back thicker after waxing?
NO! That is an old myth. Each time you wax, your hair grows thinner, finer and slower. Eventually – in some cases- hair stops coming back.
When you wax your arms does the hair grow back darker and thicker…?
no, that is a myth, if you wax or shave your hair it will not grow back thicker, how thick your hair grows is in your genes. It may seem thicker at first because of the stubble, but it will not grow back thicker.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does hair grow back thicker after waxing or just after shaving?
Q: I thought it was an old wives’ tale that shaving made your hair grow in worse, but now that it’s happened to me I am afraid to wax other areas! Has anyone had their hair grow in thicker after waxing?and ok, if it just grows back darker, will that happen with wxing too?
A: After each waxing the hair will grow in sparser and softer. Alot of women end up having no hair growth after repeated times.
Will my arm hair grow back thicker or darker if I wax it off?
Q: My arm/hand hair is pretty light but a little thick and there’s kind of a lot of it so I’ve been thinking of waxing it off. I’ve looked around on Yahoo Answers already so I wouldn’t have to be another person to ask this again but I saw mixed answers and I’m not sure what to think. Will arm come back lighter and thinner or darker and thicker when waxed? And how long does it take to grow back?Or is there anything you can use that will thin arm hair?Btw, one of the main reasons I want to do it is because I’ve been wanting to get into doing henna on my arms and I think that having too much hair’s going to make it harder to do a design right.
A: Hair does not grow back thicker or longer when it is waxed, shaved, trimmed, anything like that. If that were the case, then a lot more people would look like gorillas by now. Shaving would also become the cure for baldness, too.In some cases there is the illusion that hair grows back thicker or faster when removed, but that happens more during puberty when you have immature hair being replaced by thicker or longer hair as the hair follicles are maturing.Despite what people say about shaving, the idea that hair grows back thicker is not a possibility with any form of hair removal — period. The hair matrix is embedded deep within the hair follicle. You would have to get pretty deep into your skin to affect hair growth, and if you’re going that deep, you won’t have to worry about hair growth because it doesn’t grow on scar tissue.
Does cream waxing cause hair to grow back thicker and darker?
Q: I recently waxed my legs using the cream type (not the strips) and I’m wondering if the cream has the same effect as shaving — hair growing back thicker and darker. I know that strips make hair grow back thinner and lighter but is that the same with cream waxing?Please Yahoo IM me with the answer. If you don’t have IM, just leave an answer here. Thanks.
A: That…is a myth. Neither waxing nor shaving causes hair to grow back thicker and darker. hair that grows back after you shave simply seems thicker and darker because it is blunted on the ends from being cut off, and your skin is mildly irritated from the hair growing. the only difference between shaving and waxing is the amount of time it takes to grow back.
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