How can I not look preppy

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Avoid the traditional preppy clothes, polo’s, plaid, shirts tucked in, well manicured hands, and a defined hair style. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I not look preppy
How can you make a sweater vest not look so preppy and more rocke…?
1.white button down vest with a collar under your sweater 2.add some pins and stuff to it like you said 3.messy hair!… 4.shiny lipgloss
What can i wear that will make me look good but not preppy??
we both know it shouldn’t matter wat we wear but we all spend more time than necessary on clothing. and u can get the cutest clothes from anywhere not just aero, hollister, ae, etc. even jcpenny and sears have the cutest clothes these days …
What can i wear that wont make me look nice-ish but not preppy??
khols and target has some nice sweaters and such

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I look preppy without a lot of money?
Q: I am a black 7th grade preppy girl. A lot of my friends are preppy. I act preppy, but I just don’t look preppy. My family is an upper middle class family. Its just that I’m not SUPER RICH! My dad is not a daddy morebucks. How can I look preppy and not be rich?
A: Shop at the clearance rack at American EagleHollisterAbercrombie Abercrombie & FitchMacy’s (super cute jeans from Paris Blues)Also shop at Wet SealForever 21Charlotte RussePapayaAeropostaleSome other stores that people think are cheesy but actually have some cute clothes areTargetWalmart (shoes and purses)Mervyn’s (have the best sales on Wednesdays)KohlsOld Navy
How can you look glam, without looking preppy or too girly?
Q: I really like that glam hollywood look that I see alot of people in LA pulling off–and it doesn’t look preppy, nor very girly.
A: Glam will always be girly, but that doesn’t mean you have to be in a bright gold outfit with sky-scraper heels.If your hair is long, curl it and put it in a loose ponytail.Put on a fair amount of blush to enhance your skin tone and either do a red lip or a smokey eye (cat eyes are cute, if you can do them.)Mini-dresses and tights with ankle boots are definately cute now.And for a more classic glam look, get a darkwash skinny jean and a white lacey top (not a white cami with white lace at the top), preferrably button up with a pair of heels (or flats if you don’t like heels).
How should I dress to make me look typically preppy?
Q: My school has this thing called spirit week and every day is like different today was like crazy day so we all wore messed up wigs and hats but I don’t know what preppy looks like? What kind of clothe make you look preppy?skirts? black? or yellow? ties? polos?
A: imagine that you’re going to cape cod or the hamptons or somethingAlso, think pastel colors, collars on your shirts, and everything sharp, crisp, and well-fitting. don’t wear athletic shoes.Contrary to what other people are saying, it doesn’t matter where you buy it or how much you spend. It’s about style.
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