How can you make your beard grow thicker

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Many men don’t reach their full beard potential until their mid-twenties. It’s up to your genes. Thank you for choosing ChaCha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you make your beard grow thicker
What can I do to make my beard grow thicker?
There is nothing you can do. Young men can expect that their facial hair development will increase over time. Some may grow beards as a teenager, while others may never be able to. Do not use hair growth products – Rogaine is not the answer…
How do i grow more facial hair? make my beard grow thicker??
shave frequently, it’ll make it grow faster and thicker.
Will Rogain make your beard grow thicker?
actually the 3rd cousin of the wife of the late pastor’s sister’s boyfriend’s son did that and the fumes were so powerful that his nose hairs grew so fast and thick that he was strangled in his own hair and no one could help him as he lay k…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will Rogain make your beard grow thicker?
Q: My girlfriend and I were discussing this the other day. The hair on my face is thin and patchy and looks ridiculous if I don’t shave. I’m not necessarily even considering using Rogain on my face, haha, but she suggested it. I personally don’t think it would work, but she thinks it would. Anyone know for a fact what might happen? Will it cause hair to grow, not to grow, or will my face bubble and turn me into the Toxic Avenger?
A: actually the 3rd cousin of the wife of the late pastor’s sister’s boyfriend’s son did that and the fumes were so powerful that his nose hairs grew so fast and thick that he was strangled in his own hair and no one could help him as he lay kicking and squirming on the kitchen floor.
How do you grow your beard thicker ?
Q: Okay. so im 15 ( dont say im too young to have a beard ) I have a thin goatte on my chin. When ever i shave with a razor it grows back somewhat thicker. What i mean by thicker is in more areas so its more visible. But i want it to be more noticable. Should i let it grow and not shave for it to grow in more spots or shave for it to grow in more spots?
A: Try consistently shaving it and it’ll grow back more harrier. You shave it and it grows twice as fast. But it’ll grow back darker.You should try asking this in the hair and beauty section of the yahoo!ask
Will an electric razor make my beard grow thicker or fuller?
Q: I have a patchy beard. I have always used regular razors but I was wondering if using an electric razor make my beard fuller and/or thicker. I understand that genetics play a big role but my brother who is 2 years younger than me has a full beard. He only shaves with an electric razor and has never used the regular ones. I have a couple of friends who claim to have a fuller beard after switching to an electric razor. What do you guys think? Could it be possible?
A: No, hair growth is controlled by the follicle, which is completely under the skin, so is not touched or affected by shaving.When you shave, you are simply removing the dead keratin that has been pushed up out of the skin; shaving it or not shaving it will have no effect on the regrowth rate or thickness.People think it does, simply because when you are clean shaven, it’s easy to see the first day or two of growth; but after a few days, it’s difficult to see the small change happening in a beard. So they think because it appears to grow more slowly after a few days, that shaving makes growth faster. In fact, this is simply an illusion.
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