How do you figure out what size ring you wear? More

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you figure out what size ring you wear? More”,you can compare them.

You’ll need a ring sizer, which is a tool that measures your finger to the exact ring size, most jewelry stores have them. More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you figure out what size ring you wear? More
How can i figure out what size lip ring i wear??
it depends on the gauge of the needle used, pro piercers use different gauges of needle, did you use just a home regular needle or a pro piercing needle?
How do you figure out what size ring you wear without a ring size…?… these are two different ones you can print–the first one you use a ring that fits properly, the second one you use a piece of string wrapped around your finge…
How can I figure out my ring size?
Rap a strip of paper around your finger. Mark the spot where the paper meets the other end. Measure the strip for an 1″ 13/16 it is equivalent to 46.0 and the equivalent ring size is 4.

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how can i figure out what size lip ring i wear?
Q: i did it myself and i plan on getting an actual lip ring.
A: it depends on the gauge of the needle used, pro piercers use different gauges of needle, did you use just a home regular needle or a pro piercing needle?
I want to get a promise/ purity ring? (and how do u figure out ur ring size?)?
Q: do you know of any websites that sell promise/purity rings that says things like “true love waits” or something along those lines.and since i may get one online, how do i figure out what size ring i wear because i have no idea.and are there any stores that sell purity rings?thanks!
A: stop by any jeweler. they’ll size you for free.
How can I figure out her ring size without her knowing?
Q: I am going to ask my girlfriend to marry me. However, I have no idea idea what her ring size is. She doesn’t wear any other rings so I can’t match them up. What else can I do?
A: Every ring is made a size 7 which is average size (exept titanium but thats mainly mens rings) If she is on the petite side go with 6, or if she is thicker maybe 7.5.
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