How do you get hair to stop growing

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There is no way to stop hair from growing other than laser hair removal, though an epilator will remove the hair for a while. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get hair to stop growing
Is there anyway I can get my hair to stop growing Nappy??
Where in the world did black hair = bad hair?! The only thing bad about our hair is how people treat it by shunning it similar to the way black peoplewere shunned about their skin color. People are also being too impatient to take care of …
Can I get my hair to stop growing so fast?
You are actually very lucky that it grows so fast, but why not grow it out a little longer and wear your hair up in different hairstyles? Or, there many nice barrettes and headbands, too, that you have a lot of choices There are so many pr…
How do i get my hair to stop growing?
sorry bro hair is always in the constant state of groth

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A: hairspray has nothing to do with your hair growing or not, it you use bad hairspray it could cause your hair to break off but it doesnt stop it from growing
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A: You can’t get your hair to stop growing. You just have to get it cut more often.
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A: laser hair removal. its kind of expensive, but worth it, youll never have to shave again. im getting it done on my underarms because i get weird pimples and things whenever i shave.
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