How do you get popular

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Being popular is not the most important thing in the world, and it requires you to be like everyone else. Cha Cha ON! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get popular
Ok, I see this question alot. Here is the honest answer you are ever going to get! You are most likely never going to get ‘famous.’ Its not going to happen. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh and rude, but why would you lie to yourself. I mean,…
Smile at everyone. Put other people at ease… we’re all insecure and people are grateful when you make things easy for them. Find out about other people and be genuinely interested in them. Make plans and involve other people. People are att…
im popular and really the only way to be popular is by having friends alot of them. to do so u must be outgoing not crazy. you prob dont act at school like you act at home so act like u do at home, give a smile and a hello to someone not a …

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