How do you get rid of back hair

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get rid of back hair”,you can compare them.

Use depilatory creams that you buy at any drug store. Or try electrolysis, a permanent hair removal technique where the hair follicle is shocked to such an extent that it no longer grows any more hair. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of back hair
・ 1 Talk to your doctor if you have excessive hair growth on your back and other areas of your body. Find… ・ 2 Buy a sugaring kit, but it’ll probably be too difficult to do yourself. Effective sugaring needs exact… ・ 3 Use depilatory cr…
Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods. Waxing usually lasts for 3 weeks, but it is painful. Electrolysis and laser hair removal are “permanent” hair removal methods but are e…
It seems that most people have an issue at some point with body hair. For girls, issues can range from unwanted upper-lip hair to trouble shaping eyebrows. It sometimes seems like hair is more trouble than it’s worth. Just like with upper-l…

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A: is it actually hairdye or eyebrow tint? cos im sure you shouldnt be putting dye on them, never mind. the only way i can think of doing this is by either going to the hairdressers or beauty salon to get them lightened up or just keep washing them the same way you would with your hair if you was fading hair colour, use head and shoulders, vosene or washing up liquid.
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A: just wear something called a “bald base” then put your choice of hair over that. Try going to Freebie Dungeon, they have tons of decent free stuff.
How Get rid of split ends or how to make your hair grow?
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A: Yes, cut off the split ends. Otherwise they’ll just keep creeping up the hair shaft and eventually the hair will break off — destroying your hard work at growing it out.Once you’ve gotten a good trim to really get rid of all the damaged hair (that includes dried out hair as well as split ends) don’t cut it. Don’t listen to people who tell you to trim it every 6 weeks (like, uh, your stylist who stands to benefit monetarily from that advice). That’s a myth. The way to grow your hair is to not cut it (kinda makes sense, right?). The trick is you have to keep it healthy.This blog post tells all about how I grew my hair long for the first time in my life. My hair colorist told me her secrets after growing her hair from a cropped short style to down to her chest in less than 2 years. It will really surprise you, the advice I got. But it’s a lot easier and cheaper than buying special shampoos!
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