How do you heal damaged hair

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you heal damaged hair”,you can compare them.

Some tips to heal damage hair are: Use hot oil treatments, get regular hair trims every 6-8 weeks to trim off the split ends MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you heal damaged hair
How to heal damaged hair?
Get your hair trimmed and then deep condition your hair. That’ll hydrate it. You could also do a mayonaise treatment, which sounds really gross, but i’ve heard it works really well. Get mayonaise and put it all over your hair. Leave it in f…
What is a good natural remedy to heal dry and damaged hair?
Beat two full eggs with 2 tablespoons of water. Apply to clean, damp hair, massaging in well. Leave for 10 – 15 minutes and MORE?
How can u heal Damaged Hair/?
If your hair is long, dry split ends might be making your entire head of hair look unhealthy. Try getting a haircut – even if its just a trim – to liven up your hairstyle. Your hair might just be fried all over from using too much heat on i…

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How to heal damaged hair from straightening?
Q: Last night, my friend straigntened my hair really badly as she dragged the GHD’s down my hair with a comb numerous times on each section, instead of gliding them smoothly down once on a section as you should do. When I washed my hair today, I tried straightened it again and my hair is now horrible and burnt with split ends. Today, when I tried to straighten one section, it made kind of a burning sound like when you try to straighten burnt hair. What should I do to heal my hair? (my hair is naturally thick).
A: Mix olive oil, Honey 30 seconds in the microwave so the honey wont be so thick then add egg whites mix according to your hair Lent put a shower cap. leave on for 30 minute if you can shower while you have on or a warm bath that will be great the heat lets it penetrate. Rinse shampoo add conditioning rinse again. on your final rinse use apple cider vinegar and water the vinegar wont smell after it’s dry.let it hair dry then straighten again the hair likes to break when its this weekly!!!!!!you can also use mayo on the mix and if your hair gets too heavy just add baking soda to your shampoo baking soda can be a clarifying shampoo!!!!!
what is the most effective way to heal damaged hair? hot oil?
Q: *im planning on getting a trim* are hot oil treatments legitimate?
A: The trim is good. I wouldn’t use hot oil, use a protein treatment in your hair once a week. I use Aveda’s damage repair. You can leave it in your hair while your in the shower and it only takes about 2-5 minutes.Also protein strengthens your hair, so it isn’t going to make your hair soft, just stronger and healthier so it doesn’t break off. In addition to the protein treatment you can use a leave in moisturizer, you can buy them at your salon or the person who does your hair can even do it for you for a couple bucks.
What’s a good way to heal damaged hair without cutting it too short?
A: You’ve probably heard of the Hot Oil Treatment. You can do this at home with coconut or olive oil. Just heat up in the microwave (only 10 seconds at a time and stir) to about the temp of a hot shower. Not so hot that it burns you. Add it to your hair after shampooing it in the shower. Leave it in for about 5 minutes. Then you will need to wash your hair a few times to get it out. Follow with conditioner. Do this on a weekend, since different hair types may seem a bit oily afterwards. That gives you time to wash it again.Another one of my favorite tricks… Wash your hair like normal. Then, squeeze out excess water, apply conditioner and leave it in. Towel dry your hair. Let it dry naturally. Plan on leaving it in until the next day. This works great if you apply it in the evening and then shampoo and condition like normal the next morning.
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