How do you make a messy bun in your hair

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1Begin with clean, dry hair. Run a brush through it to smooth any tangles and apply an anti-frizz serum or gel. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you make a messy bun in your hair
How do you make a messy bun with your hair?
for an alternative messy bun, i always use this one, cos an actual bun takes ages. take your hair back into a ponytail. twist it round and then twist it into a bun shape on your head. wiggle it from side to side to create a messy effect aro…
How to Make a Messy Hair Bun
・ Step 1: The night before condition your hair and try to use a volumizing shampoo, and let it airdry,… ・ Step 2: The next day, give your hair a quick, gentle comb to get rid of any frizzies but not the waves… ・ Step 3: Flip your hair u…
Do guys like girls who tie their hair in a cute bun, or messy nat…?
Yeah, when girls put their hair up it does nothing for guys. Part of why guys like large breasts, wide hips, etc. is that these are visible signs of estrogen production, which indicates high fertility. Because of evolution, guys are more at…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how do you make your messy hair bun like this?
Q: The other kind of bun doesn’t look good on me. I already have natrually wavy hair but I want to know how to do this: anyone describe how to do it?
A: The best way (and easiest) to do this is to tie your hair in a ponytail and secure with a band (dont do ponytail too neat and tidy but enough so you dont look like youve been dragged through a hedge haha….then all you do is scrunch/fold up all the hair and PIN into place until all bits are secured.(covering hair bobble), use grips if needs be but seriously this style takes a max of 5 mins and can look stunning… Really best thing is to just keep messin about and practising.. as they say practise makes perfect.. Good Luck xxIm a hairdresser with put ups being a favourite of mine.
How do you make your hair in a messy bun.?
Q: Do you know any other ways to wear your hair up?
A: just grab it, twist it around your fingers and secure it with a bobbleeasy!i think the simplest hair styles are always the nicest like a simple pony tail etc
how do you make a good messy bun with medium length hair?
Q: Messy buns! They’re soo good looking. I always envy them on long blonde haired people, or long dark brown haired ppl. I have goldeny brown hair w. blonde in the front and some medium brown in the back, i HATE it. i can’t classify it as a solid color. anyway, i just can’t do a messy bun. my hair reachces like a little bit above my boobs ahaha yeah hard to explain but yea can anyone teach me how to make a good one with shortish medium long hair?oh and by the way, my ears stick out a tinyy bit so i’m always VERY self concious about having my hair up without pieces of hair falling in front of my ears. like, i have a side bang and then on the other side i pull some hairs down to cover up my ears. this summer i actually had surgery on my ears to make them not stick out, and it sure worked well but they still stick out a tiny bit.
A: first off whatever you do dont try one with it on top of your head. that looks awful. you do a normal ponytail, but as you pull it through the last time, stop halfway through. then try to move the hair left out all the way around the bun. it looks really cute :]
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