Is there sand in toothpaste

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there sand in toothpaste”,you can compare them.

You will find Silica in your toothpaste. It’s SAND. For all we know we might be brushing out teeth with ground-up motherboards! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there sand in toothpaste
Is Shaving Foam, Sand, Toothpaste and a sponge a solid, liquid or…?
Sand is solid, the other two are liquids. A living sponge is an animal, what you use to clean yourself is a solid.
Is it true that toothpaste has sand in it to clean your teeth bet…?
Abrasives are in some toothpastes, especially the whitening ones. This is why my dentist has told me to stay away from whitening toothpaste. I have to use sensitive toothpaste, and adding whitening just irritates the exposed tooth root whic…
What are some special tooth paste for puppy’s?and what the differ…?
You can make your own chew toy for your puppy. Take a clean washcloth and soak it with water. Then twist it real tight. Put it in the freezer. Later, after it’s frozen, give it to your puppy to chew on. It will numb his sore gums and he wil…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is Shaving Foam, Sand, Toothpaste and a sponge a solid, liquid or a gas?
A: Sand is solid, the other two are liquids. A living sponge is an animal, what you use to clean yourself is a solid.
If i put a few grains of sand with my toothpaste and brushed my teeth..?
Q: Would that help take off plaque since toothpaste is practicaly little sediments that brush against your teeth and help take off plaque(thats why u get tooth paste crunchies lol)
A: baking soda dude use that its abrasive an in some already sand will rip ur gums make them bleed open to infection then
Why do the aboriginal people go against tar sand oil in canada ?
Q: more info .What are the Alberta Oil Sands?The oil sands story is one that describes one of the largest oil deposits in the world and identifies its future possibilities. Pioneers had a vision of the commercial applications of this incredible resource—oil. Through various companies, government and scientific organizations, the oil sands have become a reality as a major supplier of oil for Canada.The list of products that oil gives us includes gasoline, fuel for our homes, and petroleum chemical products like plastics, fleece and even toothpaste!
A: because the onkwehonwe who live there will pay the huge price for generations for the greed of others. they are the ones who will live with the polluted water and destroyed lands. it will not benefit them at all..only harm them and generations to come. we always think about the future generations in such decisions. i wish all people did.
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