What are some ways you can make your hair grow faster

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some ways you can make your hair grow faster”,you can compare them.

Assess the current condition of your hair. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-ways-you-can-make-your-hair-grow-faster ]
More Answers to “What are some ways you can make your hair grow faster
What are ways to make your hair grow faster?
listen, i used to have the same problem. i would wait and wait and it seems like nothing would happen. my hair grew so slow! thats also because i used a lot of hair spray and gel and stuff like that, and i knew absolutely nothing about hair…
Is there any ways to make your hair grow faster?
Aloe Vera promotes new hair growth and helps prevent hair loss. Try and find a shampoo that has lots of natural aloe vera in it. I get mine from Henna Hut. My hair is so thick and naturally healthy! I only need to get it trimmed once a year…
Is there a way to make my hair grow faster?
Trim it. Freshly cut hair grows faster. Don’t cut too much off of you’ll defeat the purpose of the trim. Hair Growing Tips Some hair loss experts have discovered that people have excellent hair growing results by following the Zone Diet, wh…

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What are some good ways to make your hair grow faster.?
Q: I cut my hair like in September and it just doesn’t seem to grow. it’s almost going to be a yearwhat are some reasonable ways to make it grows faster.my hair is about my shoulder length
A: Rub any oil like coconut or olive oil into the scalp and massage for 5 minutes . Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head, keep it on for 5 minutes repeat the process at least 2 times before shampoo. Or if you have a steamer you can use that in low setting for 5 minutes after oiling and massaging. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.com/ for more remedies and details.
What are some ways to make your hair grow faster and healthier?
Q: I got a short haircut, and I was thinking, are there ways to make your hair grow faster, and healthier?If so, what are they and how can you make that possible?Thanks!
A: There this shampoo called horse shampoo its sold at sallys beauty, it makes your hair stronger,grow, and healthy. Also there are these pills called hair,skin,and nails that are sold at walmart that really help.
what are some ways to make your hair grow faster?
Q: what are some ways to make a girls hair grow faster my girlfriend wants long hair but her hair takes forever to grow so im asking the yahoo community,anyone got some ways that will work?
A: The speed of hair growth is roughly 1.25 centimeters or 0.5 inches per month, being about 15 centimeters or 6 inches per year.
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