What can you use besides piercing cleaner to clean a belly button piercing

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Alcohol pads are a good deal for cleaning piercings. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-use-besides-piercing-cleaner-to-clean-a-belly-button-piercing ]
More Answers to “What can you use besides piercing cleaner to clean a belly button piercing
How long do i have to wait to clean my belly button piercing??
You should clean it whenever you want! but no less than twice a day… The more you clean it the healthier it is! clean it with sea salt or piercing aftercare solution, you can go to a tattoo shop and purchase some aftercare if you need to….
How to clean belly button piercing?
Sorry, your piercer’s dumb. Neosporin [and any other ointments] will cut off your piercing’s air supply and create a breeding ground for bacteria. And too much soap will dry the piercing out. I think it’s okay to use soap ONCE a day in the …
Can you use Benzalkonium Chloride to clean your belly button pier…?
No. BZK as it is known in the first aid world is not intended to be used on puncture wounds, that’s what a piercing is a puncture wound. Yes I know it’s in the ear piercing solution they gave you to clean your piercing with. Well your navel…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

im getting a belly Button piercing on saturday morning. how to take care of it so it doesn’t get infected?
Q: im going to get my belly pierced on saturday but i have to make sure it doesn’t get infected because no one besides my friend know about this. i don’t evan know how clean this place is because they never ask ur age and stuff. i have been told that they are clean but never seen it before. how do i take care of a belly button piercing?
A: hey im ur friend thats going with u.ask me the question and ill say no cz ull be left with a scar like veronica and ankuta had.see ya and missed u when i was in romania.by the way give me a 10 point .im joking cz i hardely use the internet (busy life)lol
What are the best ways to treat my belly piercing?
Q: I got my belly button pierced about a month ago and its been doing ok i supposed but its starting to get a little red around the top and bottom. it sometimes hurts but sometimes it doesn’t but i haven’t really been taking the best care of it. sometimes there is like a little bit of pus but other then that its like normal..what are some good ways to start treating this possible infection besides to keep on cleaning and soaking with the salt water? because i plan on keeping up with both of these.
A: get this stuff called ear care. it can be used on your ears and onur belly and stuff. or otherwise i will lick it better.
Is my belly button piercing infected?
Q: Okay, so, to start off, let me say that I do tend to be paranoid over the most miniscule matters, but I’d still like to be 150% sure about this one.I got my belly pierced (professionally) three days ago without any problems at all. I’ve been soaking it three times daily with a warm sea-salt solution and cleaning the area with Dial soap and a Q-tip twice daily (as per what my piercer instructed). However, yesterday, I notice a tiny, slightly reddish ring around the top of the piercing, and it itches just a bit. My friends with the belly rings tell me this is all part of the natural healing process and not to worry.I’m not so freaked out about the itching, but its the redness that is putting me off just a bit. If this is normal, are there any treatments to reduce the redness and itch besides the sea-salt solution? I’ve been told not to use Neosporin and rubbing alcohol, but somebody suggested a pure Aloe-Vera gel. Is this practical? Your advice is appreciated. Thanks!In case anyone has misunderstood me, I do not want to get rid of the belly ring. In fact, I’m very happy with it. I just want to find out if my reactions are normal. Sorry for the confusion. 🙂
A: Your piercing is only 3 days old – it will be red for awhile. It is normal. The itchyness is also normal, it means your piercing is healing. Just try not to scratch it.It sounds like you may be over-cleaning it. twice a day, with just sea salt soaks, would work just fine.I have never used aloe-vera gel, but it doesn’t sound like a good idea. I would think it would cause bacteria to get into the piercing which could cause an infection.Just do sea salt soaks twice a day, don’t use the neosporin or rubbing alcohol, don’t touch it and don’t rotate the jewelry.Also don’t change the jewelry until it heals – they take about a year to heal.
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