What causes prematurely gray hair

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes prematurely gray hair”,you can compare them.

Some causes of prematurely greying hair are; Mental worries and lack of vitamins. Lack of some of the B vitamins in the daily MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-prematurely-gray-hair ]
More Answers to “What causes prematurely gray hair
What causes prematurely grey hair?
it may be due to dry hair. u say u have started to apply oil these days. well it means u never used to apply oil before that? if thats the case then ur hair has become very dry. when this happens , ur hair gets vulnerable to pollution an…
Can frequent use of hair straightener cause premature graying of …?
It is never the heat from your straigthener. Actually, it could be from genetics or lack of potassium. Increase your intake of fruits such as bananas, raisins, and peaches. Having gray hair at a young age is perfectly normal. Appreciate the…
Does masturbation cause premature grey hair?i am 17 and i have gr…?
No, masturbation doesn’t cause gray hair. Genetics can cause premature gray hair. Extreme stress can also be another contributing factor. There is no way to “cure” it, but you can always dye your hair.

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Q: I don’t have any gray hair i’m still fairly young but i’m just curious, i know it’s part genetics but are there some ways of causing it prematurely that are avoidable or whats a good way to put it off as long as possible ( i know it happens eventually)
A: Stessless life. Good diet. Hair color.
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Q: Are there any ways to reduce the growth of gray hair? I am prematurely graying and I need it to stop.
A: These are all side effects of this drug i hope u will find sufficient information from it.The most common side effect is sedation, and is prescribed specifically (off-label) for this effect in patients with sleep disorders. Seroquel will put the patient into a drowsy state, and will help the patient fall asleep. It is one of the most sedating of all anti psychotic drugs, rivaling even the most sedating older antipsychotics. Many prescriptions call for the entire dose to be taken before bedtime because of its sedative effects. Although quetiapine is approved by the FDA for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, it is frequently prescribed for off-label purposes including insomnia or the treatment of anxiety disorders. Due to its sedative side effects, reports of quetiapine abuse (sometimes by insufflating crushed tablets) have emerged in medical literature; for the same reason, abuse of other antipsychotics, such as chlorpromazine (Thorazine), may occur as well, but research related to the abuse of typical antipsychotics is limited.Other common side effects include: agitation, constipation, memory problems (anterograde amnesia in particular is very common), headache, abnormal liver tests, dizziness, upset stomach, substantial weight gain, and a stuffy nose feeling. They have the tendency to weaken with time, being most pronounced during the first week of treatment.Two rare but serious side effects from quetiapine are neuroleptic malignant syndrome and tardive dyskinesia. However, quetiapine is believed to be less likely to cause tardive dyskinesia [1] [2] than typical antipsychotics based on the data sources which point to placebo-level incidence of Extrapyramidal side effects. Weight gain can be a problem for some patients using quetiapine, by causing the patient’s appetite to persist even after meals. However, this effect may occur to a lesser degree compared to some other atypical antipsychotics such as olanzapine or clozapine. Like other atypical antipsychotics, there is some evidence suggesting a link to the development of diabetes, however this remains unclear and controversial.Studies conducted on beagles have resulted in the formation of cataracts — while there are reports of cataracts occurring in humans, controlled studies including thousands of patients have not demonstrated a clear causal association between quetiapine therapy and this side effect. (Reference needed to April 2006 results of CATIE study.) However, the Seroquel website still recommends that you have your eyes examined every six months.As with some other antipsychotics, quetiapine may lower the seizure threshold, and should be taken with care in combination with drugs such as Bupropion.
What is causing my Gray Hair?
Q: I’m 18. I’m a girl and I am noticing some Gray in my hair. I just pull them out and they come back gray. What’s causing me to age prematurely if that what is happening.Well my parents didn’t have Gray Hair at my age, and I don’t have any kids. So It could be food. Or I’m just going gray I guess. Thanks for your answers.I do care for my hair. I think so anyway.
A: it could be the food we are eatingtoo much chemical in it
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