What colored shirts bring out green eyes

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If you have green eyes, you should stick to earth tones when choosing shirts. Browns, tans, greens, and even yellows. Thanks. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-colored-shirts-bring-out-green-eyes ]
More Answers to “What colored shirts bring out green eyes
What Color shirts bring out green eyes?
Reds, Oranges, Yellows, with your fair skin I won’t go too dark with colors because then people will look at your skin/shirt contrast and not your shirt/eye contrast
What color shirt best matches hazel-green eyes?
I have green eyes and I get a lot of comliments when I wear either olive green or bright pink. I would be concerned that bright pink would make you look a bit washed out in a photo though. I would go with the olive green. Gap has super cute…
What color eyeshadow should I wear with a red shirt and green eye…?
dont match with what color your wearing ! i would say if it’s for a day look go for a neutral beige with a tint of shimmer for a night look go for bronze colors and browns

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what color shirts will bring our green eyes?
Q: i got green contacts (you can’t tell they are contacts though)black hair. and medium olive skin. what color shirts will look goodand can i put on my black eyeliner even though i have contacts?Thanks~!i meant bring out green eyes~lol
A: oh Wow your really pretty. And yes you can wear eyeliner with contacts im pretty sure.. and about your green eyes..here..http://www.ehow.com/how_4594218_bring-out-green-eyes.htmlStep1 Choose the right eyeliner. As with blue eyes, brown eyeliner works well with green eyes. Purple shades also do well to enhance the green color. Almay has created a raisin colored eyeliner that works perfectly to bring out the green in your eyes. Step2Pick a complimenting eye shadow. Cooler tones of colors do not work as well to compliment green eyes. The shades that will work best are warm purples, medium pinks, deep greens, bronze, and peach. You should avoid using silver, blue and white. Step3Apply a matching mascara. Pick a mascara that is going to go well with your eyeliner and shadow. Mascaras with a hint of green color will bring attention to the green in your eyes. Step4Wear clothing that will enhance the color of green in your eyes. Both green and gold clothing work well to bring out green eyes. Gold jewelry is also know to work well. Hope i helped.Add me on myspace www.myspace.com/jonathanwtfux
What colors bring out green eyes? 10 pts?
Q: I know this questions has been asked before…But maybe there is a new and fresh tip out there somewhere :)I have greenish eyes (that is the color that stands out when you look into them at least). I have FAIR skin, but I tan golden brown. So I guess I have a warm complection. I am also curious about what colors for SHIRTS I should wear to bring out my eyes?I am used to wearing a lot of black and dark colors and also pink..and I am sure it doesn’t “do” much for me.Would wearing bright green do anything for me?Any tips will be appreciated. Pictures as well.I will award ten points to the best answer that will help me the most:)i have blonde hair.
A: You sound very pretty! Okay, so colours. Maybe purples, deep pinks (rather than pale ones), and reds? Contrasting colours are usually good.Bright green could look OK, and it would bring out your eyes, but personally I’d go with something more muted. A colour that almost matches your eyes would look good.If you want to keep wearing dark colours like black, I’d suggest wearing accessories in bright colours – this is where bright is best. An emerald green scarf would bring out your eyes, or you could wear bright purple jewellery or even a magenta headband.Although not many people can wear bright bright colours all over (at least not without looking like Coco the Clown), having dark colours as a “background” mute the brightness somewhat, so pretty much everyone can wear them.The key is to wear colours that look good on you. If you don’t know what your basic good colours are, try standing in front of a mirror in daylight and holding different shades up to your face, to see which ones look best.Green eyes are gorgeous. I’m so jealous! 🙂
What Color Shirt Brings Out Green Eyes?
A: a darker green shirt. a lighter green shirt. a really light brown shirt. and ugh pink always looks good with any eye color. and white will make your eyes pop, because the white and green will contrast making the green the only major color. :)) hope i helped ♥
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