What did people wear in the 80s? More

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Polo shirts were worn with the collars up and only those with the Izod alligator or the Ralph Lauren polo player were considered cool. Rugby shirts and over-sized Tommy Hilfiger or Ralph Lauren button-down shirts. Acid-washed & distressed jeans also. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-did-people-wear-in-the-80s%3F-more ]
More Answers to “What did people wear in the 80s? More
pies and baseballs Pies and baseballs? Personally, I never saw that, but what I did see was a variety of different clothing styles in the 80’s, much of which were driven by the ground-breaking invention of the music video and the MTV stati…
The 80s style was all about glitz and glam. Women wore tights or leggings with shirts big enough to be considered a dress. Men wore patent shoes and jackets. Everyone wore shoulder pads, leg warmers, and bright colors. Both men and women te…
go to icing or claires and get big earrings bright ones to match your outfit…bright red lip stck or lip gloss put your hair in a side ponytail with a puffy bang if you have one..have big burrets..search google inages:80s attire…for shir…

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Q: I’m sick of hearing about all the Lacoste shirts and leg-warmers and converse that all the popular people wore. What about the kids in the 80s who wanted to be different? What sort of things did they wear? You know, the artisitc kids
A: well depending on who andy Warhol wore stripey t shirts glasses, Google him to find outfit inspiration. really depends on what artistic kids you want to be like??x x x
did people in the 80s wear tall hooker boots?
Q: k theres an 80s day at school tommorow and i wanna dress totally 80s metal i have a motley crue shirt, a short skirt and some big jewelery, but i need shoes i have these awesome hooker boots that i think may fit the bill. but did people in the 80s wear them and if not, what kind of shoes did they wear?
A: Hooker boots only really became popular after Julia Roberts wore them in Pretty Woman. (1990)
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Q: why did people want their shoulders so big?it couldnt have been comfy…? =…and who started it?
A: Why do girls wear Uggs with short skirts in Southern California? Makes absolutely no sense, but girls do it! And shoulder pads aren’t uncomfortable, they’re just ugly, well now anyway. Back then they were “in style”. Those big furry Uggs with the like dangling fur balls are really ugly too, but that doesn’t stop girls from wearing them.
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