What do you call shoes that are not yours

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You would call them some one else shoes or shoes that don’t belong to you. Thanks ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-call-shoes-that-are-not-yours ]
More Answers to “What do you call shoes that are not yours
Why are shoes called tennis shoes if they are not for tennis??
The inventor probobley made the for tennis and other people started using it for something different and now they use them for everything.
What are the shoes called with no backs. There not clogs there li…?
Skechers makes one. Not particularly fashionavble in my opinion, but I seen it around a lot. Usually worn w/ white athletic socks. Oh yeah, and they’re called mules. Clogs are technically shoes with wooden soles, although it’s coming to mea…
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Q: I have these flip flops that my husband bought for me on a splurge, they are called “REEF”. We normally dont spend 25$ on a pair of flip flops (its usually 5$ from walmart). I wore them everywhere! I love how comfortable they are. Well I have had them for about 2 months. I went over to my BEST friend’s house yesterday to go show her some information that I had found. I have a wierd habbit of taking off sandles before EVER walking on carpet. So just like I always do, I kicked them off next to the door, inside. She has dogs. She has always had dogs, and they are always in the kitchen, locked inside by a gate. They are full grown.I would have never thought they would chew up my shoes, and neither did she. I have worn sandles over there every time and always kick them off at the door. Never a problem. Anyway, When we found them, I could tell she felt bad and was saying “OH I will get you new ones” but I dont think she has any Idea that the cost $25. So I felt bad FOR her. I dont know what to say. I would LIKE for her to buy me new ones, but damn it, they are expencive! What would you do?I almost cried when I threw them away because my husband bought them for me, because he knew I would like them. It was so SWEET!They are the black with blue straps in this photo I found….http://www.sandalsuperstore.com/imag…sp.asp?lg=trueOkay, just to clear things up. To me, $25 is a lot of money to spend on flip flops. My husband got them for me on vacation, and I have attached such attraction to them becuase they are just about the only shoes I wear. I have one other pair, they are running shoes. I own flip flops, running shoes, and some 12 lb winter boots. You do the math….
A: It would be nice of her to offer to pay half the price or the entire price just depending on how much she can afford.
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Q: their shoes for some type of exercise program. Well to make a long story short my grandaughter came home and I said what “happened to your shoes, they don’t look like yours” The shoes were obviously more beat up and older than my g-d. Next day she comes home tells me “Grandma, Tracy is wearing my shoes.” I called the mother who was very non chalant, not friendly, agreed to check the shoes and call me back. No call for a week. I call back. She answers and states that she checked the shoes and they were her child’s. I am positive that the shoes my gd has are not hers and she is positive “Tracy” is wearing her shoes. What should I do?
A: talk to the principal of the school the mother obviously likes the shoes better and is lying to keep them.
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