What does hair toner do for your hair

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Toning hair is done to neutralize brassy (yellow or yellow/orange) pigments. It is usually done after bleaching. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-hair-toner-do-for-your-hair ]
More Answers to “What does hair toner do for your hair
Does toner ruin your hair
No. Toners deposit-only colors are designed to be translucent to allow the natural variation of the hair’s natural color to show.
What is a hair toner?
a toner is something used to cancel out and unwanted color or to put pigment in…for instance if you have blonde hair and overtime it starts to become alittle yellowish you can use a purple shampoo or conditioner to cancel that out…same …
How to Tone Down Hair Color
Purchase a toner. A toner is different than hair color and can be purchased in beauty supply stores or online. Unlike permanent hair color that lifts pigment prior to staining, a toner solely deposits. Toners come in a variety of shades tha…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

So does hair toner gets rid of the red in your hair?
A: If your hair tends toward red, use only dyes with the word “ash” in them. Also, “blue” neutralizes red. Go to your beauty supply place and ask for bluing.
How can you get your hair toner come out quicker?
Q: Okay, so I toned my hair redish brown about a month ago, but now I want to have my natural hair color again, which is blonde. My toner is called Créme Gloss by Loréal, I think, and its supposed to last about six weeks. I think its gone about four weeks, but alot of the color is still there. Is there some way to make it come out quicker?
A: buy a colour stripper (around 6$) and that should take care of ur problem
How exactly does hair toner work?
Q: I’ve had highlights in the past, and now I’m interested in darkening them to a shade much closer to my real hair colour so you can’t see roots where it hasn’t been highlighted. Is toner strong enough to do this? Can this procedure be done, or is toner only for immediate use after someone dyes their hair (i.e. would i need to dye my entire head to achieve this)? Do you think I would need to book an appointment in addition to a cut for it to be done? (Donato)
A: No toner doesn’t do that. Toner just changes the color quality from warm to cool, or cool to warm. It won’t change the color level which is how light or dark it is. What you need to do is find a color that matches your natural, and color the entire head. It won’t show up on your natural, but it will take your blond back to your “base” color.Yes, you need to tell your stylist, it’s another 45 minutes to your appointment minimum.
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