What does hydrogen peroxide do to your hair

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “What does hydrogen peroxide do to your hair”,you can compare them.

Hydrogen peroxide lightens hair but if you use too much you can get orange hair. it acts like a bleach. Cha Cha later! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-hydrogen-peroxide-do-to-your-hair ]
More Answers to “What does hydrogen peroxide do to your hair
What does hydrogen peroxide do to your hair
Hydrogen peroxide lightens hair but if you use too much you can get orange hair. it acts like a bleach. Cha Cha later!
How do you bleach hair with hydrogen peroxide??
I would not even try and bleach my hair myself! The darker your hair is, especially. I almost always see my friends’ hair turn orange. And fried! If you want your hair to be lighter, I would suggest you go to a salon and have it professiona…
How to dye hair with hydrogen peroxide?
its not a one time thing. Do it for a while for the next 2 weeks after you shower (dont use conditioner) wet your hair in the peroxide (I suggest mixing some water with it) and leave it your hair will gradually lighten – its quite good actu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does using Hydrogen peroxide in your hair have any bad effects?
Q: My parents told me my hair will fall out. 🙂 Somehow I doubt this is true. I have been using it for about 2 weeks now and my hair has lightened considerably. The only thing that has happened as a side effect is that it has gone frizzy. What can I do to fix this??? And what does Hydrogen Peroxide actually do to hair? (good and bad)
A: Just use a frizz control conditioner. I think that HP is the 2nd part in the Bleaching process you mix it in with the white powder. so no its not harmful (at least not in my experience)
does your hair really change colors if you put hydrogen peroxide on it?
Q: is it true that putting JUST hydrogen peroxide on your hair changes its color?
A: I know for people with dark hair, it wil make it blondish
How does bleaching your hair with Hydrogen Peroxide work?
Q: I wanna try it out, but I don’t know what the results will be like. So I was wondering if I could just cut out a snip of hair, and test it on that piece. Will it still color the same way? thanks in advance.
A: yes, test it first to see if you will get the color you want. I mix peroxide and water into a spray bottle and spay in my hair in the summer time to lighten it up a bit.Don’t do this often though, peroxide is very drying to your hair.
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