What does olive oil do for my hair

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Olive oil nourishes, conditions, and improves the strength and elasticity of your hair. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-olive-oil-do-for-my-hair ]
More Answers to “What does olive oil do for my hair
Is olive oil good for your hair?
There are plenty of recipies that contain olive oil that are known to be good for your hair and for hair growth. That being said plain olive oil like any oil can be good as long as you don’t have oily hair to begin with or are not prone to …
Does Olive Oil Make Hair grow?
Olive Oil does not make your hair grow. However, oil treatments (including olive, coconut, neem, peanut, and others) do help keep hair in tip-top condition. It will appear that your hair is growing faster simply because regular oil treatmen…
What does Olive oil do for your hair?
olive oil is supposed to be like a conditioner but i do not suggest it because oil and water do not mix so it takes many many washes to get it out of your hair and your hair will look greasy for days! as for heat protectors go to a hair sal…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how good does olive oil hair treatment work ?
Q: i heard that adding olive oili to your ends help moisture yoour ends and ive them more of a healthy look. how good is olive oil for my ends?if i apply it on my ends at night and rinse in the morning will me ends be healthy? and no frizz?what were you results?
A: Your ends are the oldest part of your hair and needs the most moisture, which is why, if you flat iron, you should always take care of your ends and give it plenty of moisture before you straighten. If you add olive oil to your ends then you want to cover your ends with something at night so the oil can penetrate the strands and begin repairing. If you have saran wrap or aluminum foil, or a conditioning or shower cap to cover your hair, or specifically the ends, at night then this will help the oil penetrat the hair because it will build-up heat. You need something to cover your hair with that will not let air circulate throughout your hair or let the heat that builds-up escape. When I do oil rinses I use extra virgin olive oil. I heat it in a microwave until it’s warm, massage it throughout my hair for about 5 minutes, rinse it out and then condition my hair (no shampoo). My hair comes out extremely shiny, curlier than normal, smooth and silky strands, stronger hair in general (when I tug on it), and it eliminated the frizzies – I had nice curls, instead.What I do for over night oil treatments is I add the oil before I go to bed and put a conditioner cap over my head and when I wake up in the morning my hair will be damp from the oil because the conditioning cap helped it build-up heat so the oil could penetrate my strands. You can do this with any kind of natural oil, I sometimes do it with pure coconut oil. You should do this regularly if you want to help repair damaged hair.
What does olive oil do to your hair plzz help?
Q: what does olive oil scalp and hair conditonor do to your hair?can it make my hair look more thicker and make it more stronger?how often should i put it on my hair? plz help thanks.
A: Olive oil is actually very helpful to black (African American) hair. It is natural, not petroleum based, and helps to replenish the hair’s moisture. It’s a lot better to use than “grease” because it doesn’t leave your hair feeling oily and heavy. I use the ORGANIC Root Stimulator brand; that’s probably the best. The products are a bit pricey, but it’s worth it. You should also try their hair mayonnaise, it does a wonderful job in conditioning and moisturizing hair. Over time, these products will cause your hair to be overall more healthy.
Which is best Extra virgin olive oil or lite olive oil for hair & skin?Does this darken the hair on face?
Q: Many article supports use of olive oil on hair will darken & thiken our hair and also use of d same on face will help us to look bright !!!! how it is possible isn’t it make d hair on face look darken ?
A: best for hair and skin is extra virgin coconut oil.. its moisturizing properties gives the best nourishment there are.. but if you overexpose yourself to the sun, unprotected with sunscreen and with oil all over your skin, that can lead to skin darkening, especially between the hours of 10am-3pm.
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