What is A baby doll nightie

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Babydoll nighties are made with thin straps (or sometimes no straps at all), and the skirt only reaches down to the hip length. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-baby-doll-nightie ]
More Answers to “What is A baby doll nightie
What is the difference between baby doll and nightie??
Baby doll’s are really a type of nightie but they are short and flared (most are open under the bust) and have separated cups, they usually have lace trim too. Shouldn’t be to hard to find. Google images of baby doll and a whole buch of pic…
Can you email me additional measurements for sexy baby doll night…?
Approximate measurements are included in the description of each babydoll nightie. Additional baby doll nightie sizing information can be found on our standard size chart.
How The Baby Doll Nightie Is Coming Back Into Vogue By
Lingerie has been a very important part of a woman’s wardrobe for centuries. Though the style of lingerie changed and evolved over the years, they still constitute the aura of allure and attraction that women love. Baby doll outfits have be…

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What is the difference between baby doll and nightie?
Q: I crossdress and want buy something girly to wear to bed. I asked people on yahoo answer, and people recomended to buy a nightie. My friend who helps me out recomended a “baby doll dress.” What is the difference between a nightie and baby doll dress?
A: Baby doll’s are really a type of nightie but they are short and flared (most are open under the bust) and have separated cups, they usually have lace trim too. Shouldn’t be to hard to find. Google images of baby doll and a whole buch of pics come up. Good luck.
I bought my boyfriend a pale yellow baby doll satin nightie for his birthday but he doesn’t want to wear it.
Q: I had my birthday in June and I bought myself a pale pink baby doll nighty. My boyfriend just loved it and we have spent a many of happy nights together. He even said he loves the nighty so much that sometimes he is a little envious of me. So for his birthday I bought him a pretty babydoll in his size with a satin no sheer finish. But he refuses to wear it. What can I do? He would look so cute in it.
A: you buy another hot under-thingy from like VS or fredricks, tell him if he puts on his, you’ll not only put on yours but you’ll give him a strip tease/lap dance you’ve been practicing.. he’ll put that thing on faster than you can finish the sentence.
White baby-doll or pink lace nightie tonight?
A: White baby doll, with freshly spanked pink cheeks,wore out on top of soaked sheets!!! GRR!! LOL Wet…I mean sweet dreams!!
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