What is a good hair dye color for Hispanics

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a good hair dye color for Hispanics”,you can compare them.

The best hair color shades for your skin would be dark black, cool ash brown, or cool blonds or try honey wheat highlights! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-hair-dye-color-for-hispanics ]
More Answers to “What is a good hair dye color for Hispanics
Why do white people look better with dark hair than hispanics/asi…?
it completely depends on the person for me. i’ve seen asian, black, and latina girls with lighter colored hair who looked amazing. i’ve also seen it look hideous. same thing for white girls. some white girls should not dye their hair dark b…
What Is The Best Hair Removal Facial For Hispanics?
I think hot wax is one of the best ways to remove facial hair for everyone. You can try it out successfully even if you are Hispanic.
Is pantene good for thick course hair or hispanic hair??
I would say that Pantene is great for all hair because they’re designed to make your hair healthier. I would suggest using it. Hope that helps.

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Q: I’m hispanic too, but I can never tell the color of their hair, like in this picture.(The one with the lighter hair.)http://a630.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/112/l_f038cfa61462195d25f32f601ff81555.jpghttp://a688.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/98/l_feedc485c9cca404438d450ce20dd40f.jpg…obviously Claudia.Okay nvm, you edited it.:)
A: copper blond.
Would brown hair with light brown highlights look good on me being hispanic?
Q: I am 20 and never dyed my hair before. So its always been straight black hair. Recently, I wanted to change my hair color for a nice physical change but I’m just not sure what colors would look good on me. I wish there was a website where you can go and virtually you can see yourself with a different hair color. Anyway, I want to dye my hair brown with light shades of brown highlights. I have light tan skin color and dark brown eyes and the reason why I say this is because some hispanics don’t look right with some hair colors like blonde or reddish. What do yall think?
A: you should go to a stylist since #1 you have virgin hair, and she would take care of it well…and #2, you’re unsure what you want, she could help you decide…good luck
why do white people look better with dark hair than hispanics/asians do?
Q: am i the only one who thinks that hispanics/asians look better with toffee and reddish colors and white people look better with dark hair because it makes their skincolor and eyecolor stand out. i dyed my hair dark brown a couple days ago and it looks a lot better than it did when it was close to my real color which is light brown.’staryeyes’ why because this is my personal opinion?
A: it completely depends on the person for me. i’ve seen asian, black, and latina girls with lighter colored hair who looked amazing. i’ve also seen it look hideous. same thing for white girls. some white girls should not dye their hair dark because it draws too much attention to some really ugly features (think the blond chick from 3rd rock, who was in one of the austin powers movies with dark hair. i never noticed how hideously piggy her nose was before.)that’s not to say the only people who look good with light hair are ugly with dark hair. and there are some people who can pull off both equally well. personally, i think it’s kind of interesting/attractive when i see a darker skinned girl with auburn hair (depending on the skin-tone). but yes, if you’re paler, darker hair can make your features pop even more. if you’re darker, you can usually get away with both, but the lighter hair is eye-catching on them.
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