What is a way to grow beard

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To grow a beard all you have to do is stop shaving! That is if you already have facial hair growing. Thanks for doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-way-to-grow-beard ]
More Answers to “What is a way to grow beard
What is the fastest way to grow a beard?
I know this might sound ridiculous but think of the nasty things. By nasty I mean sexual. It drives your hormones crazy and your hairs grow quicker. Another way is to be in hot areas like weather wise.
Is there any way to grow a beard ?
I’m 23 and I still can’t grow a beard, my facial hair is patchy. There’s nothing you can do to make it grow, give it time and hopefully it will come in thicker, unlike mine.
Is their any way to grow beard and moustache?
You are 23 and still don’t know how to write? Perhaps we should start there first. Facial hair is a result of hormones. If you don’t have the necessary hormones (and are a male), you are not going to get the visible results. Sometimes, the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is the fastest way to grow a thick beard, especially on my chin?
Q: like do i have to shave often? are there any types of foods that will help to grow beard? any other ways?
A: Testosterone levels may have an affect on hair growth. If you have had no difficulty with hair growth in other areas, in my opinion, this most likely wouldn’t be a presenting problem or factor. Certain ethnic origins have different levels of hair growth. Heredity plays a big part as well as your age. As for hair growth products, many of course are advertised but as for the authenticity of those products I would not be able to honestly state one way or another. It basically depends on number and location of facial hair follicles. Keep in mind that everyone’s body is a little different or unique and in no way implies that there is anything wrong with you.
I have a very patchy beard, is there I way I can make myself grow a full beard?
Q: I’m 27 now, I’m pretty sure I’m done with puberty. And I never grew a full beard. I have to shave everyday because my beard grows really really fast. Unfortunately, it grows very patchy, and it looks bad unless I’m clean shaven. Is there something I can do to grow a full beard?
A: keep shaving regularly with a blade. Standard Gillette sensor works. Give yourself a few more years. Beards are not done when puberty is.
What is the fasest most eficiant way to grow a beard?
Q: If I grow a beard, my friend will dye her hair blue.
A: Have sex just kidding but eat jello its proven to make your hair grow and don’t shave
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