What is anti eyebrow piercing

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Anti eyebrow piercings are surface piercings placed on the upper cheekbone, beneath the eye. Surface piercings may reject & scar. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-anti-eyebrow-piercing ]
More Answers to “What is anti eyebrow piercing
How to Get an Anti-Eyebrow Piercing
・ 1 Locate a trusted piercer who has performed an anti-eyebrow piercing before. This is not a simple ear… ・ 2 Inspect the piercing instruments and make sure they have been properly cleaned. This piercing is very… ・ 3 Clean the area of y…
What does anti eyebrow piercing mean?
A piercing through the flesh beyond the outer edge of the eye. Usually worn by emo fags and scenesters.
Is my anti eyebrow piercing rejecting?
it’s normal. the same thing happened with my eyebrow piercing. the swelling goes down and you can even feel the bar thru your skin. perfectly normal.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the other anti eyebrow piercing called?
Q: I have a friend that got an anti eyebrow piercing, but this one is different, because instead of having a barbell he has a single diamond that comes up to the surface. It basically looks kind of like a single teardrop. Does anybody know what thats called?
A: That’s a microdermal 🙂
What are the risks of getting an anti-eyebrow piercing?
Q: So I’ve really been looking into getting an anti-eyebrow piercing. I’ve read that your body could reject the piercing out of your skin and leave a scar at times. I would like to know what are the chances of it rejecting and is there a ring that could prevent it from rejecting. I would also like to know some of the possible risks of getting this piercing.So if anyone has had this piercing or know anything about it that would really help.=]
A: that is a high stress area to get pierced. you move that area a lot more than you think in your facial expressions. surface piercings due run a high risk of rejection especially in high stress areas because the piercing has a lot more tension on it creating irritation. other than a high risk of rejection the only other risks to this piercing are infection which can be avoided with proper care and scaring when taken out (even if it doesn’t reject.) if you are looking for a more permanent solution you may want to look into micro dermal implants. they tend to move with the body better cutting down on the rejection risk. but they are way more permanent than a piercing.
Can you still wear make-up if you have an anti eyebrow piercing?
Q: I’m thinking about getting an anti eyebrow piercing basically because i want a new piercing and i want something different. I’m just worried that i wont be able to wear foundation anymore? :/
A: Not while it’s healing. And even after it had healed you’d have to be careful around it because you’d end up with makeup caked all over the beads.
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