What is the best clothing line

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7 For All Mankind is a very popular brand amongst the 20-somethings. ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-clothing-line ]
More Answers to “What is the best clothing line
What is the best clothing line and why?
it really depends… there are a lot of clothing lines out there that are really hot, but when it gets to the point where its not as limited and more available to the general public, I don’t think its as hot anymore. The best example I ca…
What is the best way to start a clothing line?
I would contact local chamber of commerce and find out what kind of business are around, also find out a group of people who held meeting for such common interest. I for example found myself a Real Estate Investor’s Association.
Which rapper has the best clothing line?
hands down Rocawear…..but i gotta show love to ecko 2 (cuz Boot camp clik is affiliated wit marc ecko…;-)

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best way to advertise a clothing line?
Q: I am currently in the process of designing a quirky new clothing line. What is the best way of advertising? I have considered throwing a promotional party at a Detroit club among various other things. Your thoughts?
A: Give out free clothes so people wear them (free advertising billboards). People see, people do. 😉 Mail me some stuff…lol
What is the best design software for creating a new clothing line?
Q: I have many ideas for a new clothing line but I do not know which software to download to start up my ideas. I want something that I can design everything possible from shirts to jeans to jewelry and hats if at all possible. I am using a macbook pro and prefer something in which I can see a 3d model of my designs. What software would do the best job for me for a reasonable price or free?
A: hi~~just try to use AutoCAD functionality for free personal use only. DWG 2008 DXF read and write. Similar icons, commands and interface. IntelliCAD AutoLISP interpreter, temporary point snap (like oSnap), layers, blocks. Hatch, block and xref editing. 3D shading and rendering options. Optional approx. 10000 Symbols ALE library.download link:http://www.brothersoft.com/progecad-smart-2008-personal-cad-download-69199.htmlgood luckFreeman
what is the best way to try to get store buyers to buy your clothing line?
Q: does any one know the best way to sell your clothing line to a store buyer any tips?
A: It would really help if a celebrity wears it.”Look, Katherine Heigl SWEARS by our clothes!”
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