What is the best thing to buy to control acne

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Proactiv works really well on acne (from what I have seen.) If that doesn’t work, consult a dermatologist! ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-thing-to-buy-to-control-acne ]
More Answers to “What is the best thing to buy to control acne
What is the best thing 2 buy 4 acne.?
Beware of using any products for acne unless they have been prescribed or recommended by your doctor. People make all kinds of suggestions about the best thing to do to cure acne. Some cures I’ve heard include putting oatmeal, honey, lemon …

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Q: I have been suffering with acne ever since i went into middle school. im gunna be a junior and i really want a change. i have tried a lot of different things. i just bought the clean & clear advantage acne control kit and ive been using it for about a week and i haven’t seen any change, is it too soon to see changes? HELP
A: I had the same probleme a few years back. The proactive stuff works realy good. It cleared my skin right up. But it also depends on your skin type. If your skin is realy bad, ask your dermatolagist what product would work best for your skin. good luck! oh and wash your face daily.
Is There A Way To Get Rid Of My Acne?
Q: I wanna be able to use products at home so I don’t have to go out and buy a bunch of expensive crap that doesn’t work. I have used all types of acne control things and none work. I was told that putting ice over a pimple can decrease the size of it. Any suggestions?
A: Eggs yolk mask for sure, or acne medicine containing sulfur.Eggs work best and don’t mess up your skin. Just smear the yolk on your face and let it set for about 10 minutes once a day. It makes your skin soft and even looking and heals up zits faster than the treatments. If you want to know more about the over the counter medications read on, I am, unfortunately, somewhat of an expert.There are 2 main types of acne medication you can get at the store. Almost all the ones you find have one of these medicines. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME MEDICINE. They all say maximum strength because they are.1. BENZOIL PEROXIDE- %10 is maximum strength2. SYSILIC ACID- 2% is maximum strengthThey all work the same by drying your zits (and your face). They are effective for most acne just be careful they really dry your face it is like a burn if you overdo it. PROACTIVE USES THESE SAME THINGS. Really the dollar store one works just as good if you use it as a daily routine.More recently I discovered acne treatments that contain sulfur. They work better for me than the other kind, but are hard to come by in stores. Dollar general sells one. It is in the hispanic section, not with the other cosmetics. I’ll post a link below so you can see what it looks like. Be very careful though it really can burn your skin if you overdo it right off, you wont realize until the next day.
Semi-Urgent; What is the BEST acne product. What is the one that worked for you,personally? [Details inside]?
Q: I have had pimples ever since i was 8 years old. It started with blackheads and then several years later I started breaking out mroe and more. My acne is not severe and it can be fixed with the right treatment, but I’ve tried so many things and I don’t knwo what to use.My brother had pretty severe acne and the only thing that worked for him was Proactive. I tried it, and Proactiv just didn’t work.I’ve tried Neutrogena face wash and it helped prevent new pimples from forming, but it did not get rid of the ones I already have.I bought the Clean & Clear acne control kit today. Before opening it, I read reviews online for aobut an hour and decided it was not for me. More than half of the reviews were giving negative feedback. What is there left to use for me?I get blackheads/whiteheads and just regular pimples.blacheads on my nose, chin and upper cheeks.And pimples just every now and then scattered.To describe my skin; its very oily.What worked for you?The reason this is semi-urgent is because I’m probably going out again to buy another product and return the acne control kit.I prefer something that is sold in most stores
A: i was the same as you but then my aunt told me about stridex it worked great for me its like a pad with an ointment on it and it feels great also toothpaste like any kind you use then it gives you this minty refreshing feeling its awesome. i tried using clarisal and many other face creams/ face wash but none worked. but definitely use either stridex or toothpaste or even both!best of luck to you and hope i helped:)
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