What is the best toothpaste for fresh breath

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best toothpaste for fresh breath”,you can compare them.

Cuprident is a all natural toothpaste that is clinically proven to prevent and help bad breath. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-toothpaste-for-fresh-breath ]
More Answers to “What is the best toothpaste for fresh breath
What the best toothpaste that lets your breath feeling fresh for …?
Whitening Crest is the best – its minty fresh!
Is gum health one of the health benefits of Echinacea fresh breat…?
Echinacea is a powerful herb with many benefits. It’s known to boost immune system function by helping white blood cells attack germs and infection. A. Vogel Echinacea herbal toothpaste fights the germs that cause bad breath and may reduce …
Which toothpaste to use to stop bad breath and have fresh mouth ??
Toothpaste have no role in stopping bad breath. Etiology for Bad breath may be in Oral Cavity, Stomach or In Lungs. !st Visit your dentist for Dental Diseses and if he says that there is no problem in Oral Cavity then visit Physian for your…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What the best toothpaste that lets your breath feeling fresh for a long time?
Q: I need a good toothpaste that leaves my breath smelling fresh for a long time.Can you list a good one?give me the name and brand, please
A: Whitening Crest is the best – its minty fresh!
i would like everyones opinion, whats the best toothpaste for fresher breath?
A: The main cause of bad breath is bacteria accumulated on the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth. This includes the tongue and the roof of the mouth. Cleaning all of these surfaces thoroughly matters far more than what toothpaste you use. This aside, the best toothpaste with long-lasting antibacterial properties is Colgate Total. It’s active ingredient (aside from Fluoride) is Triclosan. This great antibacterial agent is used in most antibacterial hand soaps and has the ability to cling to the teeth for long periods of time… for several hours after brushing. I hope this helps.
Are there any better brands of mouthwash or toothpaste to make my teeth cleaner and keep fresh breath longer?
Q: I use Listerene as a mouthwash and colgate as a toothpaste
A: I was going to suggest Listerine. But now that I think of it, there is supposed to be a brand that does that. It might be Rembrandt. I know it’s expensive and I have never tried it. But have you tried a tongue cleaner? That actually works or so I have found. Chewing Orbit gum helps too.
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