What is the best way to make your hair thicker

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For thick and healthy hair, you need to have an intake of a healthy and balanced diet. Also, don’t wash your hair daily. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-make-your-hair-thicker ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to make your hair thicker
What is the best way to make hair grow thicker?
Hair products will help hair appear/act thicker, and reduce breakage and what not that makes it thinner. To make the actual strand itself grow thicker/stronger, I would suggest vitamins. A body with all the proper nutrients is going to prod…
What’s a good way to make hair thicker?
i think ive tried every volumizer on the market and none of them work for me. The key for me is right when i get out of the shower, i part my hair from my neck up on either side, and put a little hair spray at the roots, then part it a litt…
Does anyone know the best way to make hair grow quicker<??
Vitamin Biotin. Helps with the nails, too. Suggest starting with 500 mcg or 1000 mcg and see how that goes for a few months, then up the dosage if it doesn’t upset your stomach or create any other unpleasant side effects. I used it for a ha…

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Q: I still have my hairline, but is just that my hair too thin at the top. I have to get a bald cut every week so u cant notice it. I want to grow my hair back, but I dont like the way it looks because you could see my whole scalp when I have alot of hair on top. Someone please help me. What can I do or use?
A: If baldness runs in your family, you’re going to continue to lose your hair. The best thing you can do is make sure to eat a healthy diet so your hair will get the nutrients it needs. And it’s not just your Mom’s “fault.” They’ve recently found you can get the gene from both sides of the family tree.
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Q: my hair is fine and i want layers and layers look more effective when your hair is thick
A: yes they do but if u want thiker hair get extention
Is there a way to make your hair thicker without extensions?
Q: I’m only 13, and I have thin hair. It runs in my family. My mom has super thin hair, that’s particularly because she had brain surgery. But she said that my Grandma and her start losing hair at like 30! My life will be ruined! I mean she has hair, and she’s 42. But I don’t want to lose my hair 🙁 I’ll wear a wig if I have to but is there a way I can make my hair thicker?
A: well , you should buy thicking shampoo and thicking spary…my friend has the exact same problem as you and she tryed what i said and IT WORKED!! 😉 hope it helps xxx :Dgoood luck x
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