What is the best way to wash your tennis shoes

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Ivory soap flakes work well). If the shoes are very heavily soiled, you might want to buy a cleaner (more?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-wash-your-tennis-shoes ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to wash your tennis shoes
What is the best way to wash black converse tennis shoes??
Soak them in the sink in luke-warmISH water a LITTLE bit on the hotter side with like 2 drops of dishsoap. Let them sit for about an hour atleast…then take an old toothbrush and sort of ‘detail’ the rubber if you will 😛 (using a bit of l…
What is the best way to wash tennis shoes without ruining them??
Like you did with the cloth is good. I wouldn’t put them in the washer, because some parts of them are glued. Use a soft toothbrush to clean the nooks and crannys.
How to wash shoes
・ 1 Separate the shoes you want to wash into categories: sneakers, outdoors shoes, work shoes, boots, formal… ・ 2 Remove all laces and any insoles. Brush off any mud or dirt or other stuff caked on the shoes. ・ 3 For sneakers and canvas s…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: New cloth tennis shoes got dirty, what’s the best way to wash them with out ruining the inside
A: This sounds goofy, but it’s legit…and it works well for ball caps, too.Spray down the shoes with Oxy prewash and then put them in the top tray of the dishwasher, upside down. The power spray from the oscillating arms is much better than tumbling them through water. Your regular dishwashing soap cuts the dirt very well and the insides won’t be ruined. After the cycle, set the on a table out in the sun and you’re good to go.
What is the best way to wash tennis shoes without ruining them?
Q: I have a pair of asics that Id like to wash but I dont want to ruin them. Is there a safe way to wash them?I tried washing with soapy water and wet cloth but its not getting between the cracks and they still look dirty.
A: Like you did with the cloth is good. I wouldn’t put them in the washer, because some parts of them are glued. Use a soft toothbrush to clean the nooks and crannys.
What’s the best way to wash tennis shoes? Washing machine, or hands? Detergent or soap?
Q: I have these tennis shoes that I wear all the time. I paid a lot of money for them, so I want them to look as good as possible. They’re pretty dirty, and I want them to look as good as new as possible for as long as possible. So any and all honest help would be nice. Thanks for the help.
A: maybe saok em then machine wash em if they’re really dirty
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