What is the largest cup size

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FF or G size cup is the largest commercially manufactured bra size. Can ChaCha assist you with anything else today? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-largest-cup-size ]
More Answers to “What is the largest cup size
What is the size of worlds largest cup of coffee?
I beleive it is 4,000 gallons. I hope I helped
Is 36C large cup size or small cup size?
I think alot of people would say its medium size..but really its not…i think its big …because size B is medium…and anything over a C is just huge…
Are DD a large cup size for a 14 year old?
It all depends on your height and weight. If you’re concerned, I would suggest asking a trusted adult or even the doctor. I’m 5’11″170 lbs and have Cs to give a basis. My roommate is 5’4″ and 130 lbs and has Cs so really it just d…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is the largest size cup i can get to protect myself in high school?
Q: yeh, i am a big one. but i saw my neighbor’s cup and it is sure a mini.
A: Maybe your neighbors was for pee wee football lol There are a variety of cup sizes that are available go to your local sporting goods store and pick one out. Remember the goal is for it to be snug and protect, buying a large size to impress won’t help protect you and won’t be comfortable.
What is a good swimsuit online for a plus size figure with a large cup size?
Q: Since a lot of stores online are going on sale a lot and I need a new swimsuit desperately. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good one that had about 20 size swimsuits with a DD cup, the cup always seems to be my biggest problem. It would also be nice if there were swimdresses as well (swimsuits with the little skirts attached to them). Thanks so much!! Any previous experience would help.
A: Try Roamans.com, they have a really nice selection of figure flattering clothing for full figured women. Or you can try OneStopPlus.com. This will forward you to many retailers for full figured clothing chains. I buy most of my clothing from these two on line stores. It is easy to navigate these websites and totally safe.Good luck–hope you find something flattering!
When the bra seems to pull the cup away from the breast what does that mean? Larger cup size or band size?
Q: The bra seems to cover the breasts better if I pull it in at the center. That in turn makes the center of the bra band almost double over on itself. This seems to be the problem with every bra I have and I don’t know whether to go up/down in band and cup size. I have been fitted and have the size I was told I was.
A: Trying to understand here.Your bra band raises up when you get it on? Then the bra band is too small or too big.If the cups are smashed or overloaded, you need to go up a cup size or two.I am heavy busted and have found that Victoria’s Secret bras fit me better than any I have ever owned and they last longer and aren’t as hard on my shoulders and back.
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