What is the standard piercing gauge

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Most starter piercings are usually either 14 or 16 gauge, although some may go as large as 12 or as small as 18. Thanks! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-standard-piercing-gauge ]
More Answers to “What is the standard piercing gauge
How big is the gauge for a standard ear piercing?
A standard ear piercing at an actual shop with a needle is usually a 14 gauge.
Can A standard piercing wear16 gauge earring?
Yeah, most ears are pierced at an 18 and fitting a 16 would be pretty easy, it’ll just hurt a bit.
What is the standard piercing gauge for ear cartiliage?
There is not really any hard and fast rule as to which size would be the standard, though 16g is quite common, and often a slightly larger piece will fit in a fully healed piercing. If you are less than 90 days from your original piercing, …

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What is the standard cartilage piercing gauge?
Q: I got the standard piercing for my cartilage piercing (I got it at claires) but I have no idea what gauge it is. I want to change the piercing cause the earring is the painfully sharp and it hurts when I sleep. Also does anyone know where to get unique, nice cartilage earrings?
A: It’s 18g, all those idiotic piece of crap piercing guns use 18g studs. I suggest getting a hoop, personally. The kind where the part that goes through your ear is a little smaller and then the hoop part is a tube and the part going through your ear just pops right in the hoop are the best. Nothing sticking out to poke you at all.If you ever want to get your other side pierced, be safer and go get it done with a needle, okay?
What is the standard gauge for a cartilage piercing?
Q: i wanted to buy a ring for my cartilage but im not sure what the standard piercing size is and i do not wanna stretch out my hole. help!
A: depends on how you got it pierced.if you went with a gun, its going to be an 18 gauge.cartilage piercings done with a needle are done either at a 16 or 14 depending on location.the best thing for you to do if you’re not sure is to go to a piercing studio and have them help you.
What is the standard gauge size for a monroe piercing?
Q: I have one but I’m not sure which gauge it is. I’ll probably end up calling the place I got it pierced at, but I am just wondering what the standard size tattoo/piercing parlors usually pierce with. It’s either a 14 or 16. But which?I called the shop, they didn’t even know. I took a chance and bought some jewelry and it fit. It’s a 16g. Thanks anyway guys!
A: Most facial piercings are a 16 gauge. But I’d go see your piercer, just to make sure.
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