What is the worlds biggest gauges

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The worlds biggest rain gauge is 2-foot tall and accurately measures up to 5″ of rainfall. Can easily be read from 50 ft away! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-worlds-biggest-gauges ]
More Answers to “What is the worlds biggest gauges
How big are the worlds biggest ear gauges?
i think its 7 and 1/2 inches from Bear the tattoo artist.
Who Has The World’s Biggest Ear Gauge and How Big?
There is not a record for the largest ear gauge but standard sizes are usually done with an eighteen or twenty gauge needle.

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What m I doing good with my hermit crabs, what wrong and what else should I do?
Q: Hi. I just got two very nice energetic purple pinchers from the back of a wings store. HYaving done research online, They have a nice beach sand substrate lightly watered with very filtered water. I went onto my grandma’s beach and got 3 medium sized clam chells. In one I put filtered water, one salt water fresh from the intracoastal outside. I have some no preservative lettuce, spinach, carrots, and some hamburger in the food bowl. Its not the biggest cups in the world and I cut up a kitchen sponge and put one in the water bowl (fresh, its sort of small and barely fits in there) and one small cut kitchen sponge next to it. For now, I have a plastic box from the store with the polastic holed lid like the little travel case, but its big enough for them until I go to my normal house. They haven’t eaten yet, but I should be able to get a under tank heater, real sea sponge (dont know where it goes lol), bigger bowls, thermometer, humidity gauge. Also planning on getting big glass crabitat.
A: Good choice in critters! Glad to hear you’ve done your research. Just make sure the saltwater bowl you have in the crabitat does NOT have iodine in it. (this kills the crabs) and make sure there is no metal in the cage. (crabs are allergic) my crabs didn’t eat when I first got them. to tell you can smooth out the sand around the food dish and they will leave footprints. remember, they eat very little very slowly so don’t put tons of food in at once. i haven’t heard of feeding them hamburger? you might watch out with that because nowadays there are a lot of hormones and other stuff in out beef.make sure the crabs can get all the way into the water dishes (salt and fresh water) because they clean their shells out and scoop water inside to moisten their gills. (mine also carry water to and from a dig site to make the sand more diggable)the sponge should keep the humidity around 70-80 percent and the heat should be around 80 ish percent. i don’t recommend under the tank heaters because they crabs burrow to cool off and you don’t want to fry them the deeper they go… just put the thermometer down where they’ll be walking.they also will like some sticks to climb; mine are busy peeling off and burying the bark! (steralized, of course)you need the sand to be twice as deep as the largest crab so they can burrow, and don’t worry if they’re under for a week or maybe two, it’s their way of de-stressing and they molt under there.good luck! they’re fun critters to have around.
biggest lies?
Q: ——————————————————————————–This is the biggest collection, of the world’s biggest lies ever told…The check is in the mail.I’ll respect you in the morning.I’m from your government, and I am here to help you. It’s only a cold sore. You get this one, I’ll pay next time. My wife doesn’t understand me. Trust me, I’ll take care of everything. Of course I love you. I am getting a divorce. Drinking? Why, no, Officer. I never inhaled. It’s not the money, it’s the principle of the thing. I never watch television except for PBS. …but we can still be good friends. She means nothing to me. Don’t worry, I can go another 20 miles when the gauge is on “empty.” I gave at the office. Don’t worry, he’s never bitten anyone. I’ll call you later.We’ll release the upgrade by the end of the year. Read my lips: no new taxes. I’ve never done anything like this before. Now, I’m going to tell you the truth. It’s supposed to make that noise. I *love* your new _____! …then take a left. You can’t miss it. Yes, I did. Don’t worry, it’s OK – I’m sterile.
A: It’s OK, I can pull out and how about…No, that outfit doesn’t make you look fat or…Looks don’t matter – it’s personality that counts. and…This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you. How about…The best things in life are free.lol(love your list!!)
Can i put in plugs in my 10 gauge earlobes?
Q: I have rings in them now, and they don’t look that great, so i wanted to plugs plugs in instead, are they big enough? And how in the world can i get my rings off?!!he had to use pliers to put the ball in my rings. and its like clamped on there. they wont twist off
A: Yeah they have em. But they dont look like plugs really. More like normal earrings at that size. You might wanna upgrade before you put in plugs.
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