What kind of lotions and cream can I get to get rid of stretch marks

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Lotions containing cocoa butter not only help to reduce stretch marks, but to help prevent them entirely. Keep ChaChaing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kind-of-lotions-and-cream-can-i-get-to-get-rid-of-stretch-marks ]
More Answers to “What kind of lotions and cream can I get to get rid of stretch marks
What kind of cream, lotion, or anything do I have to get to get r…?
alot of people say that you cannot get rid of stretch marks. But im trying my hardest to rid mine. I use palmers coco butter lotion. my sister used that like it was her job during both her pregnacys and she never go one stretch mark. I hate…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What do I have to do to get rid of stretch marks? What kind of cream, lotion, or exercise tactic should I use?
Q: I have stretch marks and there sooo gross. I have them on two areas- the back of my leg and the upper part of my butt. I want to lose a lot of weight this summer and I want to know, do stretch marks ever go away if you lose the weight? Do they ever go away at all? (i just turned 13 so the marks are fresh and havent been there long, will that make them go away faster or lessen faster?)
A: i have stretch marks to. there isnt really anything u can do to make them going away. but im not sure if loosing weight will help them go away. try using coco butter to help reduce the appearance
What kind of cream, lotion, or anything do I have to get to get rid of stretch marks?
Q: I have stretch marks and there sooo gross. I have them on two areas- the back of my leg and the upper part of my butt. I want to lose a lot of weight this summer and I want to know, do stretch marks ever go away if you lose the weight? Do they ever go away at all? What kind of creams or lotions do I have to get to make them less noticable or to make them go away?
A: alot of people say that you cannot get rid of stretch marks. But im trying my hardest to rid mine. I use palmers coco butter lotion. my sister used that like it was her job during both her pregnacys and she never go one stretch mark. I hate her for this but she can still wear a bikini without any evidence of having 2 kids. she will swear that is the best, so i recently started using it ( by recently i mean like a week ago so I wouldnt know the results yet). And, bonus, Its cheap! i got a bottle of it ( small, but still) for less than $3 and its at every store.
My girlfriend would love to get rid of her stretch marks.?
Q: In high school she did not like the way she was and worked out and slimmed down 30 pounds and is amazing now at 110 pounds and firm. But she still has these stretch marks she is ashamed about. I really dont care about them but she is a woman and she wants to feel good about herself. Can anyone give us advise on some kind of cream or lotions that she could use for her marks?
A: They don’t go away, they just fade with time. Just tell her that they are there to remind her how far she has come. Besides, if she ever plans on having a baby, she’s going to get more of those battle scars. Just gotta live with it.
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