What products can make your hair grow fast

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Look at your overall health and your lifestyle. How is your diet? Do you exercise and sleep enough? Are you under a large MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-products-can-make-your-hair-grow-fast ]
More Answers to “What products can make your hair grow fast
What products make your hair grow faster?
You can use Mane and tail shampoos… OR Take biotin, Vitamin E. zinc, and niacin. Take the biotin twice a day. They are petty cheap and accelarate hair growth. Remeber to stay fit. It helps the blood follicles. Also, massage your head in c…
Are there any products to make hair grow faster?
Persons with a tendency to lose hair should take a well-balanced and correct diet, made up of foods which, in combination, should supply all the essential nutrients.Hair under stress is not vitalized.Tight braids or coils weakens roots and …
What kind of hair products make hair grow fast?
There is no magic potion that is going to make your hair grow fast.! Just try to take care of your hair, meaning use a good moisturizing shampoo & Conditioner (I use Pantene Beautiful Lengths). Also try not to damage your hair with too …

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What products make your hair grow fast?
Q: I want my hair to grow faster but I want to know if there are any products out there that I can probably buy at a drugstore like Target or Wal-mart.I straighten my hair a lot though and have damaged/burnt hair, but I want to make it healthy again. Anything I can do to make my hair “alive” again.
A: there is no miracle product but i can give you some tips on how to get it “alive” again fast. I totally killed my hair when trying to go back to blonde from bright red. So i’ve had to find all this out on my own haha.get trims when you start to have split ends.take prenatal vitamins/or some hair supplement intended to expedite hair growth.don’t brush wet hair.wet hair breaks very easily.if you have to get out of tangles, use a wide toothed comb.i would recommend pantene nature fusion shampoo and conditioner.it has cassia oil which is great for your hair.get a leave in conditioner that strengthens hair and put it on your ends every night.DRINK PLENTY OF WATER.that’s the best thing you could do for both your skin and your hair.regular scalp massages( as silly as it sounds)exercise helps.and don’t wash your hair daily.
Any good hair products that make hair grow fast???
Q: I want my hair to get longer, but it doesn’t grow that fast. It’s shoulder length now, and I want it to be longer by the end of the summer. Is there any hair products/ home remedies for fast-growing hair????
A: I do not think there any products that will make your hair grow faster but I did find you some information for you….. 1. Assess the current condition of your hair. Is it healthy, shiny and smooth, or has it been damaged from heat, sun, coloring, etc? You don’t want to grow out hair that is damaged and scraggly. If you suffer from split, thin, and dry ends, seriously consider getting a trim to remove as much of the damage as possible. Split ends will not slow down growth, as your hair grows from the scalp, but getting rid of them will make your hair more neat and attractive. 2. Look at your overall health and your lifestyle. How is your diet? Do you exercise and sleep enough? Are you under a large amount of stress? If your body is lacking in health, your hair will be lacking as well. Your hair growth rate will be at its maximum when you are at your healthiest. 3. Make some dietary changes. Hair consists of protein (because hair is keretinized protein) so be sure that you are getting enough. Incorporate foods from all food groups – especially protein. Nuts, poultry, vegetables, fruits, grains, eggs, etc. all contribute to hair health. Bacon is a hair super food because of the B-Complex vitamins and protein, but frequent consumption is not recommended because it can add to your waist line. 4. Consider taking a daily vitamin supplement. There are many options on the market nowadays. Research the multi-vitamins which may work best for you. Other vitamins and minerals that are believed to contribute to hair growth are: biotin, beta-carotene, biosil, b complexes, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, silica, nettle, and flaxseed oil. * A good hair vitamin will contain all of the nutrients necessary for overall health, as well as those specific to hair growth. Biotin and MSM are ingredients every hair vitamin should contain. Biotin promotes cell growth, the production of fatty acids, metabolism of fats, and amino acids. MSM lengthens the hair growth phase. Using a combination of the two is beneficial for healthy hair. Using an amino acid supplement is not necessary for growing longer hair. Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein. Thy are found in foods of animal origin, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Most Americans eat more than enough protein for to supply these amino acids. Only strict vegetarians need to be concerned with their protein intake. So one may assume that using an amino acid supplement can only make hair grow faster.[1] 5. Stimulate blood flow to your scalp. One of the two main ways is by doing cardio. There are many benefits to cardio – staying fit, being healthier, glowing skin, and increased blood flow, which can get rid of strange hues that some people get on their legs and increase hair growth. The other main way of stimulating blood flow is by massaging your scalp. Take the tips of your fingers and message your scalp all over, for about 5 minutes. 6. Do not overbrush your hair and NEVER use a bristled brush, as this will tear and damage your hair. Not to mention it doesn’t feel very nice. (Boar bristled brushes, however, are in fact good for your hair as they “maintain good hair condition by keeping it clean, stimulating the scalp and distributing oils for a healthy, glossy look, without ever damaging it or causing split ends.” 7. Do not brush your hair when it is wet. Wet hair is very elastic and prone to breakage. De-tangle your hair with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb. 8. Do not overwash your hair. The oils that your scalp produces can be beneficial to the health of your hair. If you wash your hair every day, consider skipping a day or only using conditioner one day instead of both shampoo and conditioner. Shampooing everyday may be necessary for oily hair, but normal hair can get by with shampooing about 2-4 times a week, and dry hair is best when you shampoo about 1-2 a week. Curly hair (types 3A-4C) can be shampooed as little as once a week, to once every two weeks, because curly hair tends to be dryer. 9. Use a shampoo/conditioner that is right for your hair. For instance, if you have dry, frizzy hair, you should not be using products designed for oily hair. 10. Look into using a leave-in conditioner and/or hot oil treatments. Your local beauty supply store (i.e. Sally’s) will have many options to choose from. Make sure to read the directions beforehand! 11. Cut back on the coloring sessions, which will inevitably cause your hair damage. If you must color your hair, look into some of the newer dyes available which offer more moisturizing protection when dying. If you want to dye your hair a shade of red, try dying it naturally with henna. If you want to dye your hair black, you can try dying it with a combination of henna and indigo. 12. Use protective styles, which are hair styles that keep your hair up and unexposed from environmental damage. Some examples would be buns, ponytails, plaits, cornrows, French braids, etc. This is very effective for a person whose hair is above shoulder length, because the hair tends to rub against clothes. Use them loosely, though, as you don’t want to yank on your roots and scalp. 13. When pulling back your hair, use smooth bands and clips. Avoid metal clips that can tangle and break hair, and never use bare rubber/elastic bands on your hair or hairbands that contain metal connections. 14. Avoid excessively hot water as well as blow dryers and curling irons. If you must use a blow dryer, invest in a diffuser. 15. Consider wearing a cap or scarf of some sort when outside. Excessive heat/cold, wind and the elements can damage your hair. 16. You may also choose to invest in a silk/satin hair wrap or a silk/satin pillowcase to reduce damage to your hair when you toss and turn at night. 17. Remember to have patience. Scalp hair grows at an average rate of 0.4 mm/day (approximately 0.5 in/month). Unless you are genetically programed that you grow hair faster, it will take some good old fashioned time and patience to see the desired results. [2] Your hair growth tends to decrease during colder months. Try as you might, it may take years to grow your hair to a desired length, curly or straight. With trends changing so quickly, you have to consider that by the time your hair is long, it may be more in style to have shorter hair. Be diligent and have patience, and you will at the very least be rewarded with beautiful, healthy, if not long, hair. Love your hair and don’t damage it!Hope this was somewhat helpful ~~~http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Your-Hair-Grow-Faster
what hair products do stores carry to make your hair grow fast?
A: You can get some pre-natal vitamins or some biotin, biotin is great for hair and nails, also massaging your scalp everyday for about 5 minutes a day will help to stimulate your scalp. All of these things won’t help it to grow super fast ( there is nothing that will make it grow super fast )but it will help it to grow a little faster.
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