What should i wear to court

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Dress as you would to go to a business meeting or a social function. Do not wear shorts or tank tops. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-wear-to-court ]
More Answers to “What should i wear to court
First of all, a ‘courtroom’ is a formal and serious place where judges are generally conservative. Choose the kind of clothing that you are comfortable and at ease in, other wise you will start to look nervous and shifty if you are adjustin…
Dress down, Conservative clothing maybe dress pants and a jacket. No runners, low waisted jeans, or exposed skin like low cut tops and that sort of thing. Look fresh, easy on the make-up, and get lot’s of sleep the night before (No Parties)…
The term “tennis whites” still refers to the proper clothes for the tennis court, but tennis clothes are not all white anymore. When lawn tennis was new, Victorian men and women wore suits and long dresses to play a lighthearted …

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Q: I have to go to court for arraignment and really am nervous. Can anyone give me any advice as to what i should wear and should i wear my hair up or down.
A: I never thought I’d give defense attorney advice but…You want to wear a suit if at all possible. If you don’t own one wear a dress that hits below your knees. Your attire should be conservative and involve dark colors, navy blue, dark green, or black. These colors have been shown to be effective in getting hired for a job. (Pink has been proven to has a positive effect emotional affect on others but unless you’re selling Mary Kay Cosmetics or your last name is Hilton, avoid it. You wont be taken seriously.)No patterns, nothing loud, nothing see through, tight, or low cut. If at all possible you want a suit with a skirt and not slacks. You want to appear as conservative and respectful as possible. Makeup should be very modest. No lip gloss.If your hair is long enough you want a low ponytail at the base of the back of your neck. Not a hair out of place. No bangle jewelry or dangle earrings. Small studs like pearl earrings work best. No fingernail polish unless it’s clear colored.When addressing the judge always say maam or sir or Your Honor. Do not fidget, keep your hands lightly clasped in front of you, maintain make direct eye contact, and appear remorseful. It’s important that you appear as respectful as possible.
What clothes should I wear to court for a underage drinking charge?
Q: Ok, I’m 18 and have to appear in court for my underage consumption charge. I’m wearing khaki pants, but what shirt should I wear and should I wear a tie? A White long sleeved shirt, or a blue polo? or what? I have plenty of options I just don’t know if I should wear a solid color or what?Also should I shave my goatee?THANKS!
A: Smart slacks – khaki’s are fine – and either a polo shirt or a dress shirt.I never recommend a suit to juveniles – to me a kid in a suit just screams “defendant!”. Solid colors are better than patterns, and avoid logos or other designs. Get a smart haircut – but not a ‘skinhead’ look. A goatee is no problem as long as it’s tidy and trimmed, and you’re cleanly shaven apart from it – stubble sucks. Basically – dress as if you were going for a job interview.Richard
What should a victim wear to court?
Q: My friend was raped a while back, and our court date is very soon. The prosecutor is a great guy when it comes to enforcing the law, and he has become a very good friend through this whole ordeal; but he is an older man, and has no fashion sense, or even a good idea of what works best in court when it comes to women.We are wondering whether its better to wear business dress, business casual, or just regular clothes? This is for her and me. I will be with her throughout the whole thing. She is planning to take the witness stand. (Should she wear anything different on that day?)
A: Be comfortable. Outside of this, dress conservatively. This reflects the status of the court. Also if you are dressed respectably, then you are more likely to be taken seriously by the jurors. Think of a job interview and go from there.
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