What to wear to not sweat

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That depends, female or male? For guys, a tank-top or jersey style shirt with shorts work well to prevent sweating. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-to-wear-to-not-sweat ]
More Answers to “What to wear to not sweat
What does a man wear to work in the summer to not sweat like mad??
I’ve actually got a number of those shirts but I haven’t found a make/cut yet that really works for me as an undershirt. Note that, as far as undershirts go, I tend to want tank-top (sleeveless) and want a v-neck (since I don’t wear a tie a…
How do you not sweat under your arm if you want to wear a tight s…?
Either stay in a cold place or carefully use an antiperspirant deoderant. Carefully, because it could stain.
Is it better to have your packing showing when you wear sweat pan…?
Well, I used to like a guy who wore sweat pants quite often, and to see his sh!t bouncing all over the place always made me so horny. I do enjoy it.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

POLL: How often do you wear sweats to school?
A: i wear sweats maybe once every four weeks i guess lolz
Would it be criminal to wear sweat pants to a techno party?
Q: I don’t have anything cool and techno to wear — and i can’t go shopping to get anything new.I’m uncomfrotable dancing in my jeans, cause they are ill-fitting — I’m trying to layer the most neon colored shirts I have (no good luck so far, though), but I’d like to wear these sweat pants I have. they are gray and not the smooth kind, more fuzzy-ish. would it be okay to wear them with some kinda t-shirt deal on top?
A: Erm… I wouldn’t do it. And I’m quite certain you would get some really odd looks if you did. Since you can’t go shopping, I’d say just borrow some guy’s jeans from one of your friends and wear those with a belt. Or… if you have a skirt, a mini skirt could be ok. But next time… buy some rave pants ahead of time.
Why do very overweight people often wear sweat pants to work?
Q: I dont get overweight people wearing sweat pants to work. I used to be a size 24W and I ALWAYS dressed appropriately for whatever job I had. Now as a size 16, I find myself TOTALLY disgusted with overweight people who wear sweatpants or those knit pants to work. Nothing screams”I give up” louder that that!it is a business casual office I work in now, khakis etc.when someone who is normal weight or only a little overweight wears sweats, they are written up and/or sent home.
A: The problem is your dress code at work. If you think that it is inappropriate for anybody to wear sweats at work then you should speak with HR. Maybe the business casual attire has gone too far and a reminder should be sent out. Because you were once overweight, then you realize that it is more difficult for an overweight person to find comfortable inexpensive pants than it is for a non-overweight person. So, in answer to your question they are probably wearing them because it is allowed, inexpensive, available, comfortable.
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