Where is the most painful spot on your body to get a tattoo

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Where is the most painful spot on your body to get a tattoo”,you can compare them.

Most painful areas for men are abdomen, spine, chest, ankle, and ribcage. For women, it is the ankle, spine, and ribcage. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-is-the-most-painful-spot-on-your-body-to-get-a-tattoo ]
More Answers to “Where is the most painful spot on your body to get a tattoo
What is the least painful spot on the body to get a tattoo??
If you are planning your tattoo around where it’s going to hurt the least, I don’t think you’re ready for a tattoo. Everyone is different. I have tattoos on my spine and forearms/wrists. None of them hurt. I have friends who have them in th…
What is the most painful spot on the body to get a tattoo? What i…?
All tattoos hurt. However, each person will have their own response to the experience. The most important thing is to get what you want, not what you think you can handle. Don’t let short-term thoughts of pain change the long term vision of…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Whats the most painful spot on the body to get a Tattoo?
A: You know what it depends on people: some say on fleshy parts, others on bones..As for me, I have on one my spine wasn’t that painful, more was the one I have just between the belly and the pubic area.Try to use a needle on the part you’d like to get tatooed on, that might help you to know how painful it is for u!
Where would be the least painful spot, to get my first tattoo?
Q: My mom agreed that she’d buy my a tattoo for my 18th birthday (my b-day is November 10) and I’m very excited but I don’t like a lot of pain. Some people have said that some spots hurt more than others…are there spots on your body that are the least painful?
A: I got my first tattoo on my lower back. And it was honestly a lot less painful than I had imagined. No one can tell you if it’s going to hurt you less, because we’re all different.As a rule of thumb- the closer to bone the area is, the more sensitive, places like your inner arm hurt too, your spine is supposed to be painful, ribs, etc. Even if it hurts, the pain won’t be -completely- unbearable, you need to make sure it’s in a spot your comfortable with, while trying to avoid ribs, feet, etc.
Where would be the least painful place in your body where it wont hurt as much to get a tattoo?
Q: I want to get a tat on my chest not exactly on my chest but like on the side of my shoulder? But i want to know where is the lease painful spot??
A: well, honestly,its always going to hurt.its not as unbearable as you may think thoughjust go for itand dont phsyc yourself out
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