Who started the skinny jeans trend

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Cigarette Leg Jeans from J Brand were worn by the likes of Angelina Jolie and Kate Moss and helped kick off the skinny jean trend. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-started-the-skinny-jeans-trend ]
More Answers to “Who started the skinny jeans trend
Who started the skinny jeans trend for males and why is it becomi…?
It’s not that commonplace but the top Asian boy band only wears skinnies so maybe it’s gradually making its way to other parts of the world. The British have always been fond of skinny pants, too.
Is skinny jeans the new trend?
i love skinny jeans! they are so comfortable! and im the furthest thing from emo believe me. im more like country even. and i wear them. i love them. but i dont like the colored ones. just like the dark blue ones. i love them!
Is the skinny jeans trend finally over?
So, Liz Jones, fashion writer for The Daily Mail, has decreed today that skinny jeans are officially “over”. I beg to differ. It’s a prediction that will no doubt come back to bite me firmly on the bum this time next year, when ev…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

who started the skinny jeans trend?
Q: Did a certain designer just decide to bring back skinny jeans in his/her collection and then it just became a hit again? And who was the designer? Just curious 🙂
A: Actually it started in the 50’s…beatniks started wearing then it started mainstreaming…there’s a great skinny leg jean scene in a movie that made them blow up in the fashion worlld and the gap used it in a promo…Funny Face starring Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire…..then they died down thanx to capri’s and bell bottoms. In the 80’s they appeared as some tried to bring a clash of 80’s meets 50’s….but now guys started wearing girl jeans…and fashion company’s saw the 50’s look was making it way back…and BAM we now have the so called “skinny jean”
how did skinny skinny jeans become popular. its great guys lv to look good in clothes. what started trend?
Q: i mean it for a project how media affects body image.its not good to exercise too muchor to starveor to overeat.guys are more likely anorexic nowadays.i dont care/guys look good in skinny jeans. i mean it takes an effort to pull it off.wow. that sounded wierd.im dont judge wat people wear.and if anyone says they are gay.i dont caresthp.no one cares.
A: skinny jeans actually from another decade (except higher waisted), but I forget which. anyway, vintage looks are in right now. also looks that are tailored and sophisticated for free flowing and romantic. and there’s also the fact that people want to be skinny.
Any guys wear non-skinny girl’s jeans?
Q: Ok, so before we begin, this has nothing to do with being straight or gay. For years now I have occasionally bought women’s jeans instead of men’s jeans because I have sort of oddly curvy hips for a guy, and men’s jeans often don’t fit me well. I do wear guy’s jeans when I can find some that are comfortable, but it’s hard and they’re usually expensive. Usually I end up just having to buy pants that are too big for me and belt them so they fit around my hips, but that usually ends up looking too baggy and dumpy, and I tend to look like a slob. But here’s the thing, I don’t look good in skinny jeans, I buy the kind that are more of a relaxed fit, with flared legs. At Old Navy, the “Sweetheart” cut fits me great. I usually buy them a size up from what would fit me if I was a girl wearing them so there’s just a little bit more room to them, so the appeal for me is definitely not that they’re tight. I got excited when the guys-wearing-girls jeans trend started up, thinking it might make men’s pants designers start making curvier cuts of jeans for men, but then all the boys started wearing the skintight ones, which are sort of the opposite of what I want…Are there any other guys who do this? Wear girl’s jeans because they fit better on their body and not just because they want to wear super tight jeans?To scarlet – The skinny jeans for guys trend started because guys were buying tight jeans for girls. Hot Topic even had a brand of jeans called “My Ex-Girlfriend’s Pants” or something like that. It was mostly an emo thing, another reason why I didn’t indulge in it.And the buying them a size-up aspect helps with the crotch thing, also, a girl I used to date told me she wasn’t surprised the old navy jeans fit me so well because she always thought they had too much extra room in the crotch for girls anyway, she said she hates their jeans because of that.
A: hey i wear levis girl jeans in straight cut or boot cut as they fit better i have some levis 501`s but the crotch hangs to low and irratates my thighs, i wear my waist line low and they just do fit better i do get the plain pocket ones and have asked the girls at work if they even noticed , most said no .do it if it s right for you.
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