Why are females so attractive

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I’m not sure why females are so attractive. It maybe because they work so hard as mother’s & teachers. Help us when need anything! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-females-so-attractive ]
More Answers to “Why are females so attractive
Why are Aquarian rising females so attractive?
duh! that’s your oppsite! -Sag past life:aries next life:unknown
Why do cute guys get married to not so attractive females?
the anwer lies in the question itself, socially, attractiveness is a major force in having that so serious arent we a beautiful couple syndrome, personality is the trait that will stop attractiveness dead in its tracts everytime, the high m…
Does any female find there feet un-attractive? If so, why??
I don’t particularly find feet attractive. Mine are okay for a generally ugly appendage.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why are attractive slender females so much more friendly than everyone else?
Q: Went shopping today at several different stores and of the nine or so people who came up, smiled, and said “Hi” to me, a good seven or eight of them were slender attractive females. I’ve noticed this a lot in the past as well, so I assume everyone else must be having similar experiences with them.
A: I haven’t noticed that, but it could be because they are confident about themselves. Because they are attractive, people are mostly likely to be friendly and responsive to them, so they are in a habit of being that way themselves. How about we all be that way to less attractive people and see if it helps them?
In public, why are attractive slender females so much more spiritually friendly than everyone else?
Q: Went shopping today at several different stores and of the nine or so people who came up, smiled, and said “Hi” to me, a good seven or eight of them were slender attractive females. I’ve noticed this a lot in the past as well, so I assume everyone else has the same experience with this female type.
A: Most likely because they have been subjected to FAR less rejection in their life and have built fewer barriers to protect themselves. I spent a good chunk of my life as a “less than attractive” woman and I know that my experiences with the hateful way some people treat anyone that isn’t perfect conditioned me to be more reserved in public…and when I finally grew and changed into an “attractive and slender” woman, it was much easier to be outgoing and friendly because I knew I was less likely to suffer the appearance-related rejection I suffered when I was younger!
Why do we find very thin females more attractive than voluptuous ones?
Q: Why has the model of female beauty changed from the curvacious figure of previous eras (for example, the Renaissance or the Victorian Age) to an exaggeratedly slender figure that only supermodels and speed addicts seem capable of maintaining? What social factors have contributed to this change? What female body type do you personally find attractive?
A: The recent emphasis on health is one factor contributing to a slimmer desirable body image. Unlike in previous centuries when plumpness was a sign of wealth, the rich now have access to various services that actually help them maintain a thinner profile more easily than someone with fewer financial resources can. Private gyms, personal trainers, liposuction, and tummy tucks are just a few of the tools a wealthy person can use to achieve a thinner body even after years of dietary abuse.I think another influence has been the increasing emphasis on the female form in visual media during the last century. In the past, due to the amount of clothing women wore, men were attracted more to features that “stood out” on a woman beneath all that clothing: namely, large breasts and hips coupled with a slim waist. Likewise, with less opportunity to visually examine the female body closely during the age of gas lamps and candles, men were probably just as attracted to the “tactile pleasures” of a woman’s body as the physical ones. In the past, men would therefore tend to fantasize not only about the visual appeal of a woman’s body, but also the tactile appeal of the soft, rounded curves that men do not have. In the present, however, the emphasis on the visual aspect of beauty predominates, and admiration for the feel of voluptuous female curves has taken a back seat to the demands of a more perfect physical appearance.As for me personally, I am somewhat a creature of my own century. I find thin, muscular women more attractive than fleshy ones. However, I don’t find women who are all skin and bones with no muscle development attractive, either. As for curves, large breasts don’t impress me much, but a nice round rear is definitely an asset!
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