Why are they attractive

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Why are they attractive”,you can compare them.

You get a different guide each time, but maybe the previous guide just likes straight teeth! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-they-attractive ]
More Answers to “Why are they attractive
Why are they attractive to you?
If you don’t have a logo or have an old one, it is a good idea to ask your web designer who has artistic skills to design a new one for your future website.
How to become more attractive.
・ 1 Enter the ladies room of a singles bar and wait until a homely woman enters, strike up a conversation… ・ 2 Take your new lady friend to the bar and order drinks,sitting next to her you will appear to be more… ・ 3 When ever the occ…
How to Be an Attractive Woman
・ 1 Adjust your attitude, since a great attitude is the single most important thing you can do to be an… ・ 2 Be open-minded. Be willing to try different activities. A sense of adventure will prevent you from… ・ 3 Smile. It’ll give you a…

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A: Feline-eyes are the same as almond-shaped eyes. It gives the person a more exotic look.
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A: It’s probably because it’s makes you a bit mysterious since they have no idea what you’ve just said And it’s always cool to know someone who can speak a different language. 🙂
Why do you think so many women want to know whether they are more attractive than their friends?
Q: You see sooo many “who is prettier?” questions from women wanting to know whether they are more prettier than their friends. Men don’t care whether their friends are more attractive or not and I am wondering why women seem to have a different mindset?Also, can someone who wants to look the “prettier” than their friends really be considered a true friend? Surely a real friend doesn’t try to compete and go one up on her friends? More importantly, a real friend wouldn’t post your photos on the internet without your permission?
A: This will sound silly, but if your with your friend, you feel way more comfortable if you know your prettier.. sounds so rude.its true. for example if a girl is with her friend who is ugly, she will feel very comfortable cause she will feel as if people will look at her nto her friend.. but if she is with a really pretty girl, then she wont feel as comfortable cause she will feel everyone is looking at her friend and not her..Just my opinion, im not really like that though. and i dont think thats the answer you were looking for either.
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