Why do i get bags under my eyes when i wake up

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It can be from lack of sleep or it can be genetically handed down to you from a parent. Keep ChaCha-ing!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-get-bags-under-my-eyes-when-i-wake-up ]
More Answers to “Why do i get bags under my eyes when i wake up
How can I get rid of bags under my eyes when I wake up??
I have been using used teabags now and they seem to help a little but you have to sit with them on there for like 20 min a day everyday so it sucks lol Cold spoons help a little too nothing really permanent that I have found though
How Can I get rid of The ugly bags under my eyes when i wake up??
* Try drinking two glasses of cranberry juice a day, you will need to do this for at least a week before you start noticing a difference. * Food allergies and sensitivities play a major part in under-eye circles. Processed foods with artifi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why is there bags under my eyes when i wake up?
Q: even if i get the proper amount of sleep i still see bags under my eyes.I’m only 26 years old and i didn’t expect bags yet. And is there any way to reduce the puffy look?
A: Please see this question/answer. And see ### below – a response from Wannabeblue28 who says treatment gave her a greatly improved skin and got rid of under eye bags/circles after one night’s treatment:Question “How can you get your face really smooth and clear, free of all blemishes and even toned and lessen or get rid of under eye bags/circles?”My answer: .”…..I’ve had incredible results massaging with essential oils.They are safe. Oils such as almond, olive, grape seed are good. Almond and grape seed are suitable for every skin type. Quickly and permanently healed ALL of my many skin conditions, rid face of all blemishes and even scars, gave me an even skin tone and a clear, healthy and radiant skin. It’s best to quite vigorously massage into skin. In just two days you will get dramatic results. Massage will tighten skin a lot in eye area and thus greatly diminish or completely get rid of bags. See this answer for more massaging,skin tightening info.:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AuVWD5vfgr6u.z5AxNSk3qYjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080901163027AAp20eO### wannabeblue28: “Hi Mukunda M. I have just been rubbing my face and neck with the ridges of my fingers and hands. It has made a HUGE difference in my complexion after just one night. …… my skin looks so much tighter and i no longer have bags under my eyes! Thank you so much for your post, I have been suffering with acne and under-eye circles since i was young.”*BTSOURCE(S): 20 + years research, experimentation – safe natural treatments/cures for skin conditions and anti aging/rejuvenation treatments
How Can I get rid of The ugly bags under my eyes when i wake up?
Q: Whenever I wake up I have bags under my eyes and They WON’T g away! I tried waking myself up with water or something, but nothing works!
A: * Try drinking two glasses of cranberry juice a day, you will need to do this for at least a week before you start noticing a difference. * Food allergies and sensitivities play a major part in under-eye circles. Processed foods with artificial colors and preservatives as well as milk allergies can cause this problem. * Search the Internet which abounds with home remedies. While the most common are cucumbers and tea bags, there are a number of others. Feel free to test them out, as some may work for some people, but use common sense. * Vitamin K cream helps to diminish dark under eye circles. * The ingredient in Preparation H that once could shrink the area around the eyes is no longer put in the product in the US, according to their website, so unless you live in Canada, just pass on the Hemorrhoid creams. * Cutting onions can help you to cry out some of the moisture under and around your eyes. However it isn’t recommended that you carry out this procedure daily but done short-term, it will reduce the darkness under the eyes somewhat. Using the tea bag method under your eyes straight afterwards also helps. The puffiness may not reduce immediately but it will shortly afterwards. * Another trick is to put two tablespoons in the freezer for few minutes and apply on the eyes for few seconds, until they are warm. Re-apply if necessary. * Dark circles may be caused by inflamed or enlarged veins beneath the skin. Try taking butcher’s broom. Taken daily, this common herb (used to treat weak circulation, hemorrhoids and varicose veins) has been effective in reducing dark circles. * Wear sunscreen under your eyes, and if you wear it all the time(as you should), try to put a stronger spf under your eyes than you do on your face. This way, the skin under your eyes does not darken as quickly as the rest of your face; so your circles seem lighter. If you do this all year, you may end up not needing concealer at all. * Try eye exercises. It can rejuvenate your periorbital skin by improving circulation. * Many facial makeup products these days contain some level of spf. Read the labels carefully to determine if your makeup is protecting your skin already. Usually, they contain 10-15% spf.
Bags under eyes when i wake up?
Q: everytime i wake up, you can tell. there are darkish bags under my eyes every single time i wake up. it makes me look gross, especially when i have to wake up for school early in the morning.how do i get these bags to go away? i know i need a good nights sleep, but is there like a cream or a roller thing i can put under my eyes to make them go away?thanks!!!!!
A: Garnier Nutritioniste makes (or use to) Anti-Puff roller. You just roll it under your eyes & they make your eyes appear more awake & the bags less noticeable. I use to use it every morning before school & eventually after using it for a while, my eyes got better I didn’t have to use it as often. Also:Borba Silk Fiber Orbital Eye Rejuvenator works like wonders. it’s for dark circles, swelling, fine lines & crows feet. it’s $38.00, but you just need a little pea size to put on every night & the container is a decent size, so it’ll lasts a while
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