Why do people wear bow ties

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Many people prefer to wear a bow tie over a regular tie because they are easy and lightweight. They also never drag in your food! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-wear-bow-ties ]
More Answers to “Why do people wear bow ties
When to wear bow ties?
To provide second to none customer service, and offer the lowest prices on quality designer ties to our customers. Bow ties are typically reserved for black tie attire in combination with a tuxedo jacket. The most common, and also most form…
Can Women Wear Bow Ties?
For Christmas this year, one of my dream gifts was a plaid bow tie. Our Simcha was thoughtful enough to surprise me with one, and I have since spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to wear it without looking like a waitress at …
Do men/boys still wear bow ties?
Rarely, at least here in upstate New York. They’re really only suitable for formal wear – like with a tux. We just don’t have all that many hoity-toity shindigs out here in the sticks.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What do you think about people who wear Bow Ties?
Q: Ok so I’m going to this formal even at this ritzy hotel this evening.Im wearing a bow tie-no I am not wearing a Tux!!!!I am wearing a red bw tie with sails on it-jst poking fun at myself and the world.I hear bow ties are the universal symbol of being an asshole,true?What do you think of ppl with bow ties?
A: if they are wearing a tux wit it i think they well dressed and attending a special event
Why do people refer to Chevrolet’s as “bow ties”?
Q: The Chevy emblem is often referred to as a bow tie? I don’t see it myself. I wear bow ties some of the time and they are smaller in the middle than at the ends, whereas the Chevy emblem is bigger around the middle.
A: b/c of the shape. many shapes in life aren’t perfect, but the emblem gives the image of a bow tie. really, an announcer at a race used it once decades ago and the name caught on as people wanted to sound ‘hip’. it’s just never gone away.
Why do people wear ties and bow-ties? Where did it originate from?
A: they originated from the scarves kings/prices would wear in england and common folk did not wear them as they were a sign of wealth and status.. and so ties and bow ties were created for those “common folk” who wanted to step it up a bit.
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