Why do some women not wear bras

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do some women not wear bras”,you can compare them.

Some women do not wear bras because they are uncomfortable. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-some-women-not-wear-bras ]
More Answers to “Why do some women not wear bras
Why do women not wear bras
I’m a woman and I wear a bra as well as most of my female friends. Most women take off bras at night because they’re uncomfortable
Why are women not wearing bras?
A Short History CADOLLE is, above all a story of a family: It is much talked about, and much written about: Herminie CADOLLE invented the very first bra in Paris is 1889. This women, a friend of the infamous Louise Michel, who had no partic…
Do women that wear unpadded bras not care if their headlights are…?
Don’t you just love icy cold days? Or do what I do. Hang out at the grocery store in the frozen food section. Took me 4 hours to pick out a pizza one time. Ahhhh…fond mammarys…I mean memories.

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Q: I’ve seen women with humongous breasts and they were sticking straight out, not sagging, why, and how, is this done
A: It’s because they are wearing what I refer tob as “:old lady” bras//lol They are the El Cheapos that they buy at walmart and they have no shaping padding. They are made with two different pieces of material sewn together across the front, which is what makes them pointy..The bras look like this..http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5513585
Why do some women wear wonder bras?
Q: and What is the physics that is going on which makes it work?Bras look uncomfortable to wear. Why don’t they just wear strapless ones. I have seen women wear dresses and shirts that show their shoulders but there are no straps from a bra. Are they not wearing a bra? Isn’t that more comfortable?
A: cause your not a girl. get used to it x] listen. you just need to worry about your own problemos. not ours :/
why do some women wear bras that are several sizes too small for them?
Q: seriously! the effect doesn’t create cleavage….instead, it just looks like two breasts jammed into a bra, bisected in the middle, with all the excess hanging out the top. does anyone find this sexy?
A: A friend of mine does that…If you stand behind her it looks like she has backass from everything spilling over the back of the bra
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