Why is a pair of pants called a pair

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Claus here! It’s called a pair of pants because each pant leg used to be one separate item of clothing + was belted in the middle. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-a-pair-of-pants-called-a-pair ]
More Answers to “Why is a pair of pants called a pair
Why is it called a “Pair of Pants”?
“Trousers trace their ancestry to the individual hose worn by men in the 15th century (which explains why the word “trousers” is plural). The hose were easy to make and fastened to a doublet at the top with ties called “…
What are the most expensive pair of pants
Thanks for asking ChaCha. The most expensive ever sold was a pair of Levi’s 501 jeans that were 155 years old for $60,000. ChaCha!
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Why are pants called a “pair of pants”?
Q: Pair of shoes is two shoes. Pair of socks is two socks. Why is it called a pair of pants?
A: Read this article to get the long version, but essentially, a “pant” refers to a trouser leg.. since there are two trouser legs per garment, a pair of pants.. I don’t like it either, but that’s what they say..
Why are pants called “pair of pants?”?
Q: I saw a sign in a shop window – pant for sale. Is this correct because it is only one of them? Consider also, that a pair of socks are two socks, yet the pant[s] are only one. Maybe because it has two leg sections. Ok, then what about a shirt, it also has two compartments, and like pant[s] the shirt is joined in the middle.
A: It’s not what we put into them that decides whether things are singular or plural.Pants is an abbreviation of pantaloons. Those were two separate garments, one to cover the hips and another to cover the legs. Hence, the plural usage.Trousers are similar. They are made up of trews or trouse + [draw]ers. Again two separate garments which over time started to be stitched as one.While the shape and design changed over time, the usage remained the same.As for brassières, originally these were “aciers” (armour) for the “bras” (arms). Two arms, two brassières, therefore plural.Over time, this garment veered inwards from the arms to give support to the breasts. The name became singular.Finally (phew!, do I hear?), a spectacle was a single lensed spyglass (like the modern telescope?). A spectacle for each eye, attached on one frame, became a pair of spectacles.
Why are pants called a pair ?
Q: Everybody refers to pants as a “pair” but it is only one, yes they have two legs and all, but so do shirts. You would sound pretty idiotic if you said “I need to go shopping for new pairs of shirts” now wouldn’t you? I was always curious to why this was.. anyone help me with this?
A: The legs. I guess shirts aren’t called a pair because they cover the torso as well as the arms. Yeah, I guess its kinda weird.
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