Are miscarriages safe

Health related question in topics Miscarriage .We found some answers as below for this question “Are miscarriages safe”,you can compare them.

A:Miscarriages aren’t usually dangerous to the mother, though they can sometimes result in much blood loss. Bed rest is recommended. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are miscarriages safe
Are miscarriages safe?
If they happen early enough in the pregnancy, there may be little symptoms and some women may have them and never even know, thinking it was just a heavy menstrual flow. However, the longer the pregnancy lasted, the more difficult and risky…
When are you safe from miscarriage?
Well losing a baby is named differently depending on how far along you are. Anything less than 6 weeks is chemical pregnancy. Anything between 7-24 weeks is a miscarriage. Anything 24 weeks and up the baby is considered pre-term. Oh and you…
Is progesterone cream for lfd and miscarriages really safe??
Mine said the same thing. I think as long as you don’t use too much and you don’t use it often, it’s fine. And you did good by getting natural progesterone. The synthetic kind is pretty detrimental to both your health and any future babies’…

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is progesterone cream for lfd and miscarriages really safe?
Q: i got a natural prog cream femgest and all ive read says it can be helpful but the bottle says that it can cause cancer and pregnant women shouldnt use it what is the deal does anyone knowi have a boreder line low progesteronemy multi mc specialist sug progesterone to my doc but they dont believe in progesterone theripy so i took it into my hands i have had 6 mc all within 4 to 8 weeks allong
A: Mine said the same thing. I think as long as you don’t use too much and you don’t use it often, it’s fine. And you did good by getting natural progesterone. The synthetic kind is pretty detrimental to both your health and any future babies’ health. Just follow the directions on the back, and don’t use it for too many months before consulting your doctor. Oh, and only use it from ovulation to your period. Don’t use it all month.
after so many weeks would a pregnant woman be safe from miscarriages?
Q: like is there a certain amount of weeks that a pregnant woman is more prone to miscarry? i.e. the 1st few weeks or so.if so up to how many weeks is it?
A: You are most likely to miscarry in your first trimester which lasts until 14 weeks. After 12 weeks you risk drops dramatically. There is always a risk of premature labor, but it’s not very common to miscarry after the first trimester.
Pregnant immediatly after miscarriage safe?
Q: I miscarried about 6 weeks ago. My hcg did get to below 5 because i had a blood test 4 weeks ago. I haven’t gotten a period since and took a preg test today and it was a definite positive. think this will be safe? I am calling to make a DR appt today.
A: 1st: sorry to hear about your lossNot necessarily will it be safe. Medical advice is only dispensable by licensed health professionals. I definitely recommend closely consulting your physician, and asking him a variety of additional questions pertaining to any risk-mitigation strategies you can take (everything from vitamins such as folic acid to work restrictions to stress relaxation techniques)They’ll look at some of the underlying conditions that may have led to a first miscarriage and be able to present you with a more complete picture once they can frame the details of your unique medical history into a full context.Age, Medical pre-existing conditions such as endometriosis, hormone irregularities, prior miscarriages, pre-term bleeding, heavy lifting, natural-loss causes, and more can result in an unsuccessful term, and you REALLY need to follow up with your doctor. Additionally, if you think you are pregnant, you may want to consult with a pharmacist and/or doctor immediately to find out if there are any changes needed to be made to any medications you are currently on.once again, my condolences and I wish you the best this time around, however my answer is not to be construed as sound medical advice, just an overview of thought topics to approach with your medical council.
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