Can a girl have a miscarriage when on the pill

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A:No, there is no evidence that the hormones in oral contraceptives will cause a miscarriage. [ Source: ]
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Can a girl have a miscarriage when on the pill
No, there is no evidence that the hormones in oral contraceptives will cause a miscarriage.

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A great miss justice has happened the law needs to change a female lied & stole my DNA got pregnant when pill?
Q: i slept with a girl who i didn’t see again for 2 years she told me she was on pill and she was not ready for a baby not yet she was to young only 18yrs old so i did have sexual intercourse with her completely satisfied i was having safe sex, we didn’t see each other as it wasn’t serious relationship. Then C.S.A. took money outta my wages unexpectedly 800 every month for 5 months paying arrears i owed for a child i didn’t even know existed the C.S.A did try to make contact with me but i disregarded the letter’s as far as i was concerned it was impossible the child was mine. my bank account is now in arrears i’m spiralling out of control in debt, a possibility i may lose my house my fiancee who i do have a 1 yr old child with has suffered allot of stress and depression as have and now are on the verge of seperation ourselves. i I feel a great miscarriage of justice has been bestowed upon me (entrapment). Is there a law aagainst this sort of scenario or can anyone offer any advice PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A: look at it from her point of view, You slept with her, she’s ended up with a kid she wasn’t intending to have! You should have worn a condom, sometimes the pill doesn’t work. The only form of contraception is to abstain from intercourse full stop, even the pill isn’t 100% effective.Right, that’s the lecture over, you can have my advice.You should get a paternity test done (dna) to prove you’re/you’re not the father, if you are the father, you’ll have to keep paying and face up to your responsibilities, if it’s proven you aren’t, you can start action to get your money back.
Is she lying about a miscarriage?
Q: Hi,A male friend of mine had a 1night stand 3months ago. The girl said she was on the pill and all was good. She moved states and he never saw her again.1 week ago he ran into her and she was really sad, he asked what was wrong and she told him she had a miscarriage after 5weeks and that it was his and how sad she was. Hes a big softy and feels for her, so did i until he told me that she tryed hitting on him and wants to marry him and she moved back just for him that same night over drinks.The only problem is she told him she was on the pill when they were together. That’s how she got pregnant because she lied about being on the pill, she really wasn’t. He says she was sad but never showed any proof and now he’s wondering if she’s lying about the miscarriage. After all she lyed about being on the pill, and this is why he is questioning her now.Can he ask her for proof she was even pregnant or proof of a miscarriage. Will she have any scan images after 5weeks or is it too early? She said she went to the Dr’s after 4weeks to confirm she was pregnant, will she have proof from that? He feels sorry for her and has moved in. He said he feels he needs to be their for her and crys about the miscarriage, but if it wasn’t for the miscarriage he wouldn’t be there at all. He just wants to no the truth but doesn’t no how he can make her prove it. Is there any way of knowing?Thank you
A: Her doctor and herself is the only two people who know this for a fact. Bust because your male friend is NOT her husband, legally he cannot request that information from the doctor. The medical files related to her health, miscarriage or anything is confidential. Therefore, you can kindly ask her as a friend to prove that there is a miscarriage. I will try to talk her into showing some documents to prove it. Unless she volunteered to give out that information, there is no way you can find this out for sure. Other ways of obtaining the information are illegal.I hope this helps.
is this a miscarriage? or something besides a period?
Q: I have a 14 month old baby girl and i am still breast feeding her and on the pill (breastfeeding safe pill) and i have missed it a few times and not used another contraceptive. I have not had a period since conception besides when she was born, and now all of a sudden, 2 years later, i am cramping and bleeding. is this a period or miscarriage.. or something else? i just had a pap a month ago could that have made me start my period again.. i have no idea.. i am still breast feeding the same amount.. (and i know you can have a period while breastfeeding but i haven’t at all until now).. does someone have any advice… does this sound like i need to go to the doctor or should i wait it out?…
A: If you have a lot of cramping and you have a pain, then it can be a complication, so please see a doctor ASAP.But if you just have some cramping with bleeding, this may have cause as a result of your body changing to the hormones. During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, some hormones can change and some may produce little while produce a lot. This can cause problems like this.If you do not have burning pain, watch out for about a month and if it is still there, then go and see a doctor. I am sure that a doctor will give you a hormonal medicine.
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