Can a miscarriage occur at 18 weeks

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A:A miscarriage usually occurs in the first 3 months of pregnancy, before 12 weeks’ gestation. A small fraction of miscarriages — less than 1% of them — are called stillbirths, as they occur after 20 weeks of gestation. ChaCha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can a miscarriage occur at 18 weeks
Can a miscarriage occur within 3 weeks of a pregnancy?
Yes. A study found that women with high levels of the stress hormone cortisol were more likely to miscarry in the first 3 weeks.
Is it true that by 20 weeks that it is not likely that a miscarri…?
By 20 weeks it wouldn’t be CONSIDERED a miscarriage any more. More then likely, you would end up giving birth to an extremely tiny baby who would not be able to survive outside the womb. My first daughter was born at 24 week….she was 10 i…
Can a miscarriage occur within the first three weeks of pregnancy?
A miscarriage can happen even before a woman is aware that she is pregnant, usually occurs in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

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Q: So my fiance and I are trying to get pregnant, and we were wondering, if after a miscarriage i had last march if you guys think i can still get pregnant…? We wanted others opinions before we approached my doctor. My previous and only miscarriage occurred at 18 weeks. any help would be fantasticAlso, i forgot to mention that the cause for my miscarriage before was because my then boyfriend beat me in the stomach. And I didn’t have a D&C. He wouldn’t even let me go to the doctor, will that hinder my chances at all? Thank you, again
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Q: I had miscarried in December, and had a D & C on December 9th. On December 15th I started to Hemorrhage really bad and went to the ER. I had retained products of conception and had to have another D & C. I bled for a few days and everything was fine. On Jan 8th I started my period. However, it was SO bad to the point I thought I was hemorrhaging again. I called my doctor and he said it was fine, that bleeding that heavy for your first period after a D & C is normal. My husband and I were ttc again right away. I figured out I was most fertile the week of Jan 18th. We had sex may times that week. Since then I have had a few symptoms of pregnancy (but could also be period symptoms). Prior to my D & C I had my period every 28 days, which means I should have gotten my period Friday Feb 5th. It did not come so I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Sat Feb 6th I thought I started my period at about 10AM, but it just ended up being a little bit of spotting (just the one time when I went to the bathroom). It is now 12PM on Feb 7th and I still have no signs of a period, not even cramping. So I am wondering if the spotting was implantation bleeding (can it even occur this far after we had sex) or if my body is still messed up from the D & C. I know nobody can tell me if I am prego or not, I am just wondering if anyone has ever been through something like this? Or perhaps someone had a D & C, and their periods were messed up and they can tell me how long it took to get back to normal? Any advice/help/thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thank you!FYI – My doctor told me after my first period it was OK to ttc again.
A: I miscarried, but didn’t need a D& C. I was told 1.) pelvic rest for a couple of weeks 2.) Don’t start trying for at least another 3 cycles. Trying again is almost impossible anyways because our cycles take time to go back to normal. I heard it can be dangerous to get pregnant so soon after a miscarriage because it increases the risk of miscarriage again. Our bodies need time to heal. I would try to relax because you may find that you’re not healed emotionally either. Next month will be six months since we lost our Jordan and I’m just now feeling comfortable getting pregnant again.Take care and relax!-Sydney
pregnancy and masturbating, dangerous? 18+?
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A: I dont think in a regular pregnancy it can be dangerous but maybe in high risk situation you should avoid doing it because an orgasm can cause cramping and maybe if you are high risk it would be a concern for a possible miscarriage.. I dont know.. but in a healthy one, Ive heard its fine
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