Can heart murmurs cause heart attacks

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No! There are many different causes of heart murmurs. They can be caused by a heart attack, high blood pressure, rheumatic fever, pregnancy, fever, thyrotoxicosis or anemia. Thyrotoxicosis is a condition caused by an overactive thyroid gland. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can heart murmurs cause heart attacks
Can heart murmurs lead on to heart attacks?
Not med advice: Heart murmurs are abnormal heart sounds produced as a result of turbulent blood flow.
When i have an anxiety attack and i have a heart murmur does it m…?
It could be arterial fibulation-known as A-fib.I have that condition & it was found because I had the same symptoms as you.Serious stuff-get it checked NOW.

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Can 26 year olds have heart attacks or does something else cause similar issues?
Q: Being as I understand the symptoms for heart attacks I continue to worry. I’m male 26 years which means i have a better chance to win the lotto. I used to drink caffeine a lot and smoke but have almost wiped the habits out. A while back someone slipped something in a drink and the results was an anxiety attack with chest pains and all that lasted almost 20 hours I went to the hospital and they said my heart was fine EKG what not just learn to breath right. That was three months ago but lately my chest has been hurting and the pain ranges from like plain old body ache feeling like you’ve don’t to much Weight lifting to a warm numbness and all the way to a stabbing feeling that spreads out into my right lung areas like pin pricks. Its like someone has a hand around my heart and is squeezing it making it hard to breath. I went to the doctor again she said it was anxiety and gave me Med.s for it… they do nothing but make me tired. The problems I been having have been getting Better then worse stc. The other (WED) day i was just hanging out bowling and all of a sudden i got dizzy and when i check my pulse it was upwards of 90. Tonight (SAT) three days later about 2 AM I awoke up not breathing gasping for air and dizzy and my heart was practically beating out of my chest but faded and quickly my whole chest went numb ya no more ache but then i got dizzy again and my heart started beating out of my chest in hyper-mode. I checked my blood pressure to be 165 h 109 d 93 beats. which is the highest ive ever seen period. A shooting pain then numb then pain for about thirty minutes then I got really tired and went to lay back down. Something popped in my chest and now i’m fine. Chest still aches right down the middle but my heart levelling down to about 80 beats 135h105d I hate for it to be the weirdest case of heartburn ever but its getting worse every night and when i try to get up in the morning I’ve been weaker and weaker to the point that I can’t get out of bed. Even walking is getting hard to do without effort and hard breathing. The only history of heart problems my family has is murmurs on my sister and mom but my mom has something she called hernia of her stomach that she says caused her the same problems when she was younger. I doubt it. Need help can’t afford an emergency room visit again last time it cost over a thousand dollars and i only have like maybe 400. Ive been through the ringer with many images taken of my neck and upper chest because all the limp nodes are slightly swollen two years now but i don’t think that would be related to anything else.In response to what meds. I was prescribed the first time with a med version of valium that i took for one day and basically threw the rest in the trash it made me a zombie and i couldn’t focus on anything. After going to my doctor she prescribed me Lexapro but it really just makes me feel emotionally numb and tired more than stopping these attacks.
A: It of course first needs to be determined if the pain you are experiencing is cardiac related or not. A heart attack in a 26 year old is highly unlikely. Heart attacks are caused by a blockage in the arteries. A huge misconception is that a heart attack means that the heart suddenly stops due to an arrhythmia. Myocardial infarction occurs when there is a prolonged reduction in oxygen supply to part of the heart muscle. Tissue death then occurs as a result of this and the area is said to be infarcted. MIs generally occur in older people who have coronary artery disease where there is significant narrowing of the arteries. Fatty plaques build up in the arteries over time, platelets aggregate to form thrombi and blockage of the artery can then occur. Your heart rate is nothing to worry about. Normal HR is 60-100, remember that HR rises upon exertion. As your symptoms are accompanied by episodes of dizziness etc, there is sufficient justification here for your GP to do blood work again and a 24 ECG trace/Cardiac Memo. It may also be worth having the stress test. See your GP again. TBH your symptoms sound anxiety based.If you are having issues with anxiety then ask you GP to refer you for CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), which has a 70% success rate in curing anxiety. Your Dr may prescribe an SSRI in the meantime. Under no circumstances take Valium, this is poor management for anxiety, it is both highly addictive and you will build up tolerance to the drug very quickly after which time it it completely worthless.
Heart murmur… chest pain? 5 stars for best answer!?
Q: Okay here comes a semi long story…So some friends and I were at a party yesterday and it was pretty much a hit… People were drinking the party was fun everything started winding down…WHEN!My friend (lets call him John) starts complaining about his heart. Supposedly in the past he has had heart murmurs which cause his “heart to overwork itself” and basically causes the kid to be retarded for 5 hours….So… this happensHe probably had 5 beers in his system and this heart murmur thing happens…He can barely walk… falls to the floor multiple times… is in “extreme” pain… like unbarable pain… eyes look like they are about to roll back in his head… can barely talk… ectThis goes on for about an hour… Everyone debating calling 911 but this has “happened before” Luckily… all his heart pain goes away when his love interest goes downstairs… tells everyone to get out and cures him…we then go to wendys because he cant go home… (according to him) and he is now acting completely hammered….when he was acting fine before the heart murmurSo heres my question…we talked about this A LOT…was he faking?The entire time he was having his heart thing he was all over his love interest (digging his head into… well her….) and much more…not to mention he said he CAN’T tell his parents because he hates hospitals….BUT he somehow talked to his doctor about this and he knows exactly what’s wrong with himhow convienent….BUT he is under 18 so to get to the doctors he would’ve had to go with his parents…before you judge me… we were all scared as hell at the time… everyone wanted to help him/make sure he was okay… we were freaking out…it wasn’t until TODAY when we found out he was perfectly fine that we started questioning what happenedsorry it’s so long hope someone can help…thanks again! oh and i’ve been questioning him about it all day… and whatever happened is brought on by a heart murmer BUT the doctors can’t find anything wrong… to get a picture in your head of what happened… it resembled a person having a severe heart attack.
A: I’ve had a heart murmur my entire life (and a fairly serious one). The worst that has occurred is a feeling of the “chills” when your heart skips a beat and becomes out of sync for a moment.My murmur was then discovered to be an actual diagnosis of bicuspid aortic valve with the murmur being a symptom. I found this out through chest pain, but definitely not to the “degree” this guy was feeling.To be quite honest, he was faking it. If you’re in excruciating pain like that, you’d be begging to go to the hospital or at least to get help instead of staying back for your girlfriend to “cure” you. On top of that, chest pain which would cause someone to do all of that would probably be in the heart attack or stroke area, which of course, he didn’t have.I’d probably call him on his bullshit. I know in Canada, if you’re 16, anything you say to your doctor is private and your parents are told, but it is different elsewhere. Besides, a regular doctor can hear a heart murmur but they cannot fully diagnose it without and ECG or an EKG test, both of which would take another appointment where I’m sure his parents would figure out by then something was going on.
Slight Heart Murmur and Doctor Not Giving Me Info On It?
Q: I recently went to a new doctor and she matter of factly mentioned that I had a slight heart murmur.I said no body has ever told me that I have a murmur.She said it was nothing and I ask if I should have test,and she said no .She said it wasn’t anything to worry about and even she had a murmur.I ask her to tell me what kind of murmur it was and she changed the subject because she new that I was already anxious and now im obsessed with the murmur and worry alot and wonder if I can still do the things I used to do before without having a heart attack.The reason originally I was at the doctors office was that I was hearing my heartbeat in my ears all of the time and she found that my ears were blocked and I needed to see an ent.I was worried that maybe a artery was causing me to hear my heartbeat but she made me think that it was all because of the tubes blockage in my ears.I just wonder if she is waiting for the ent to find a blockage in my arteries or its just really my ears?
A: heart murmurs are very common, and most people have them and don’t know it. they do worsen with age sometimes. what that means mostly is if it does get worse then if you have dental work you may have to go on anitbiotics so that you don’t get endocarditis which is an infection in the valves of the heart. if she thought it was significant though she would have sent you to a cardiologist. as far as the heartbeat in your ears that certainly could be because of blocked ears. that is the pressure that is built up because they are blocked. an ENT would not be listening to your heart, they only check out your ears, nose, and throat, that is why they are called ENT’s. you are probably to young to worry about a blockage in your arteries which is entirely something different than a heart murmur.
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