Can microwaves cause a miscarriage

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A:Microwave ovens pose no threat to a pregnancy, so a microwave would not cause a miscarriage. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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Can microwaves cause a miscarriage
Microwave ovens pose no threat to a pregnancy, so a microwave would not cause a miscarriage. ChaCha!

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Q: It is one of these little sachet things you heat up in the microwave like a hot water bottle then put it in a cuddly toy, my back is killing me in work and I really want to use it but I know some of these scents can cause miscarriage (I am 16 weeks now) anyone know?
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Fibromyalgia and pregnancy preparation suggestions?
Q: I am planning on getting pregnant in a little over a year and I have fibromyalgia-mostly in my legs and back from a pair of spinal injuries when I was a toddler. Currently the only thing that keeps me human is cyclobenzaprene (Flexeril) and even then I need a cane to walk but it’s known to cause birth defects. Pain killers don’t work on me for anything other than cramps and even then just barely. Anti depressants haven’t done any good either. I have cronic fatigue as well.Does anyone-particularly mothers with FM-know of things I can try as alternatives to drugs? Soaking in a hot bath does wonders but isn’t a good idea during pregnancy as the rise in body temperature can cause miscarriage. I do use flannel bags filled with rice or seed corn microwaved to use as moist heat bags but again, that raises body temperature a bit as the spinal injuries were in my lower back and in the same place I get cramps.I’m going to work with my doctors and thankfully my main doctor has really helped get the FM under control but the rhuematologist is one of those people who think the pain is just in my mind and that I’m “obviously” not excercising enough and eating far too much junk food. I am pretty active and a belly dancer-which does help a lot with the pain. My weight is a bit high (over 200lbs)-I have a mild genetic disorder (it went too long w/o being caught which is why it’s an issue) that makes it nearly impossible to lose weight although it is finally being treated successfully and pregnancy actually will overide it. I actually eat about 600 calories less a day than the nutritionist says I should be eating to lose weight…grr…I normally get yelled at for not eating enough/passing out from low blood sugar…at least it’s usually because I forget to eat because I’m too caught up in what I’m working on instead of an eating disorder.My fiance has been with me since before the FM was diagnosed and began to get really bad and interfere with my walking. He’s been really supportive and stayed with me even through the breakdowns I had when I didn’t know why my legs stopped working and the pain was so bad I could only curl up in a ball and cry for hours at a time. Other than a lack of cooking skills he can and does help with anything I need. He is aware that I’ll have to be off my meds and may not be able to work for a good portion of the pregnancy…thankfully I’m an engineer so I spend most of my time at a desk instead of on my feet and there’s a bit more flexibility working from home if necessary. He is open to adoption but both of us would at least like to try to have one of our own first. Depending on how the pregnancy goes I may or may not try for a second one.Any suggestions for things to try? My wedding isn’t for a year yet and it’ll be a few months after that that I’ll go off birth control so we can get used to living with each other full time. I’m trying to figure things out now so there’s enough time to *hopefully* get it somewhat under control. I’m a firm believer that Murphy was an optimist.
A: but what you’ve written i believe you have everything all planned up.just do that, any suggestions might alter your plans.
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