Can parsley cause a miscarriage

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A:Parsley is considered a uterine stimulant, which may lead to miscarriage. Eatin in moderation its ok ChaCha Later [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can parsley cause a miscarriage
Can drinking tea made from parsley seeds cause miscarriage??
Parsley is considered a uterine stimulant, which may lead to miscarriage.
Can vitamin C and parsley cause miscarriages?
I’ve also come accross some natural and herbal sites that have methods for causing a miscarriage with herbs. It doesn’t make sense that parsley and vitamin C would cause a miscarriage. There are a lot of herbs that women should avoid becaus…
Does eating parsley cause you to have a miscarriage
It is just a myth that parsley or vitamin C will cause miscarriage. It is perfectly fine to consume parsley when pregnant.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can vitamin C and parsley cause miscarriages?
Q: *Disclaimer: this question may upset you, if you’re easily upset don’t read it. I’m only posting it here as I think I’ll get more factual answers.*A strange question I know. Someone on a board I frequent has announced she intends to induce a miscarriage:”I’m inducing a miscarriage[sp] today because I don’t have the means or the time to go out to the clinic and get a medical abortion and I trust my herbalist way more than some random doctor.I bought all the stuff i need [super heavy duty pads, midol(extra strength), parsley, vitamin c etc] I’m just waiting on my infusion and then I will start to take the Vitamin and put the parsley together tomorrow. Blood is the only thingi’m worried about, I’m probably just going to sit in the tub when I feel it coming on… I’ worried but relieved”When I asked her to clarify what herbs her herbalist was using (since many such herbs are extremely dangerous) she said:”vitamin c without rose hip and all those extras and parsley. its actually very effective.”This doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, would vitamin C and parsley cause a miscarriage? I’ve never heard of this. I thought vitamin C was a water soluble vitamin and would pass straight through if you took in more than your body could handle, and I can’t remember ever hearing anyone advise pregnant women to avoid parsley. Quite aside from the ethics of the situation (which no doubt many answers will bring up), I’m curious to know if she’s putting herself in serious danger. Obviously I can’t stop her from doing it, but if she is in serious danger I can at least inform her of this.
A: I’ve also come accross some natural and herbal sites that have methods for causing a miscarriage with herbs. It doesn’t make sense that parsley and vitamin C would cause a miscarriage. There are a lot of herbs that women should avoid because they cause uterine contractions. (I’m not going to list any here, but parsley isn’t one of them, not that I’ve heard anyway.)But I wonder what the “infusion” she mentions is? I’ll bet the vitamin C and parsley are just to prevent excessive bleeding, not actually to cause the miscarriage. I’ll bet she’s taking some other concoction of herbs that will actually cause the abortion.Anyway, I’m not an herbalist, but I do have some knowledge about it. That would be my guess. Whether or not she’s putting herself in danger would depend on what she’s actually taking, in addition.Women have been doing this for thousands of years. I don’t agree with doing it, but it has been done.
Is eating parsley safe when pregnant?
Q: One of my favorite foods is Tabbouleh, a fresh parsley salad. I went online to check the nutritional info of parsley, knowing that is a vitamin rich herb. I found many resources stating that in high doses parsley can stimulate uterine contractions and cause miscarriage. I am 4 months pregnant and do not know what qualifies as “high doses” I do eat this frequently, because it helps many GI problems, and tastes great. I called my OB who’s nurse thought it was comical and told me you would have to eat pounds of it every day for that reaction to occur. I would like to get more reassurance than that. Lets say I consume 2 bunches of fresh parsley a week….is it safe?
A: Actually, I eat a lot of it too, and I decided not to do so in pregnancy. Nor Thyme or Sage. Perhaps I’m being over-reactionary because I’m in a high-risk group (age 38) and if your nurse says it’s fine for you, then I’d imagine it probably is. But the claims are apparently founded. I’m a vegetarian, and I love Tabbouleh and variations on Puttanesca Pasta sauce, so it’s been hard. But I already decided that when I get to 36 weeks, I’ll start eating it again 🙂
can this also induce labor? i know its gross but…?
Q: I have pcos and have maybe 1 or 2 periods per year. I am trying to induce a period with a combination of drinking 3 to 4 glasses of parsley tea per day (yes, it is nasty lol) and what is called a parsley pessary (you take 2 to 4 sprigs of parsley and push them up your vagina against your cervix). I’ve only been doing it for 24 hours and already I am having spotting throughout the day. Anyways I read online the reason a parsley pessary works is it softens the cervix causing it to slightly dilate and cause mild uterine contractions, inducing a period (however it is NOT strong enough to cause a miscarriage). So this has me wondering if perhaps women who go overdue in pregnancy should try a parsley pessary to soften the cervix a bit. Has anyone heard of this? Does the logic make sense?I JUST want to say thanks to the girl who stuck up for me. I don’t know why people are trying to hurt me. And I’m sorry for your losses too.
A: Jake: i dont c how having 4 miscarriages has any negative reflection on her as a person. Our bodies are all different. and god bless the ones who keep trying after they have to deal with all that emotion of loosing any child(miscarriage or not). I THINK YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT HOW DUMB UR RESPONSE JUST WAS. AND IGNORANT TOWARDS ANY FEMALE THAT LOST A CHILD THAT STATEMENT HAS BEEN THAT YOU MADE. people are senstive to that kind of ignorance you just splurted out.
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